
Mexico vs haiti??

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come on you guys!!!! member that mexico DID actually win lol..everyone is pissed off 4 real..c'mon take a chill pill i feel kinda deppresed and sad....did u see that music video after the game the"la vida sin futbol"or i dont knoew wat its called but its truly sad..i just hope the make it to el mundial...but no matter wat i will always support my wonderfull seleccion mexicana! =)viva mexico para siempre!!meber guys mexicans dont care bout winning but the love of the game..and we know we will always lose with passion lol !=( =) dont forget we are mexican! (p.s) announcer were hella funny lol)passion nevr forget




  1. honey, slowdown with the's affecting your brains.

  2. The whole point is Mexico didn't get the job done. I'm African-American (aka black) and I think Mexico performs better in the World Cup and other international competitions, but the team can't actually WIN anything and that includes CONCACAF. That passion you talk about is what makes the losses more entertaining for television every time they happen.

  3. haiti
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