
Mfg of promotional cap&T-shirt in delhi,how can I get new coustemer?

by Guest67149  |  earlier

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Mfg of promotional cap&T-shirt in delhi,how can I get new coustemer?




  1. 1. first of all register urself ..on various websites...with detailing about ur services ..

    few of websites like: ..and many more like them

    2.-and sign the vendor registration forms of various retail or around Delhi ...

    3.-keep check over delhi Govt tenders website...

    4. as commonwealth games are apporaching...try market urself with that in mind...

    5. start website with details of ur products....

    6. register urself with e-coomerce and many more

    7. start contacting schools,colleges & universities with good brochure..and don't mind dropping them at each place.

    8. do check wht ur competitors are doing to  grab the market share....

  2. Hi,

    What I would do is to educate potential customers in your vicinity about the benefits of your promotional caps and shirts. The real trick here is in convincing them that they have a need that your product can satisfy. One prime example of that need is brand building. By stressing that need and then positioning your product as the answer to that need, then it would be much easier to convince them to buy your items.

    One good example for this is an article I came across in a website that sells promotional mugs and cups. The said article clearly states to the readers that "promotional cups is the most efficient solution in reaching your target market". Thus, what this accomplishes is that first, it develops a need for the reader to "reach their target market" or customers then second, it positions "disposable cups" as the answer to this need. I suggest you read the whole article, I will post the URL in my source list.

    Hope this helps, and good luck on your business!

  3. Why dont you call me on 09414067301 as I am need of some promotional T shirts and Caps.  Also I have a college near Jaipur who is interested in the item.

    Alongwith this you can write to all educational institutions and corporates about your work alongwith photographs.  Preasently all corportes are interested in creating brand image and would like there field staff as well as office staff to wear such dresses and caps.

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