
Mic Squeal/feedback???

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I'm using a 1622FX mixer with a E-mu1212m sound card. I'm using a SM58 connected to the mixer. I'm also using a talkbox which is connected to the sound card output. I'm using the M-Audio KeyRig 49 & Minimonsta. Everything plays & records fine except when I try using the talkbox next to the mic. I get a squeal. If I use the mic without the talkbox no squeal. I do need to boost the trim pot & fader all the way up & get close to the mic even with the sound card volumes adjusted to get a good recording level with the mic. My voice & the synth come through loud & clear when putting my mouth right on the mic but when using the talkbox I get that squeal. If I turn the volume down on the mic it don't pickup the talkbox sound if I turn it up I get the squeal. I tried raising the volume slowly to a audible level on the talkbox & it did the same thing as soon it got to where you could hear the talkbox at a normal level (not loud just so you could hear it) The gain & tone is down.




  1. Anytime you get a speaker too close to an open mic you're very likely to get feedback.  You have to turn off the mic or move the talkbox speaker away from it or get a noise cancelling mic.

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