
Mice fighting?

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My brother has had these 2 brother male mice for a couple months and they keep getting in little scraps over each other, mainly over the wheel but soemtimes it's not over the wheel. They've been living togetehr since birth and they started having thse fights about a week or 2 ago. They live in a 10 gallon tank and i don't think its dominance issues because they are more fighting than asserting dominance. Their names are Mo and Jerry and Mo keeps starting the fights. My brother says it used to be Jerry.

Plz help!




  1. mo probobly is starting the fights now because he thinks that its ok because jerry used to do it. My advice is that you should buy another cage and let Mo stay in there for a couple of weeks or so untill u r sure that they will get along ok. Just keep that cage handy if they start fighting again. Put whoever starts the fights in the other cage. Make sure that the cages are the same type so they don't get mad at eachother for haveing a better cage. maybe just get a seven gallon tank for the other mouse. Hope that this helps!

  2. Give them to me so I can feed them to my cats and see how well they go against Chikita my smallest kitten! I'm just Kidding...Get another 10 gallon tank for Mo and keep jerry in the same one! My friend's house is infested with all sorts of hamsters and rats but they have never gotten into a fight unless when a mom gave birth and another rat/hamster got near the newborn.

  3. Male mice can sometimes live together when they are from the same litter, but even when they are brothers it is not guaranteed that it will work, and if they are not from the same litter, chances are even slimmer. Most male mice will live better each on their own.

    If blood has already been shed (and you seem to suggest it has), separate them immediately! They will be happier each in their own cage than together, they might even become more sociable toward you.

    Also, a 10 gallon tank is barely enough for just one mouse, so since they are 2 in there, and males, it's totally normal that they fight, but at this point, even if you were to get a bigger tank or cage, it would be too late for the fighting to stop. Also, remember that tanks, as opposed to wired cages, do not have a lot of ventilation, and the smaller the tank, the faster the amonia build-up can happen, which means you will really need to keep the thing really really clean.

    Best advice: get a second cage, separate them, and let them live happily away from each others. Just remember that once separated, males can never go back to living together (it's like a divorced couple that split on very very bad terms).

  4. Seperate them now they could hurt each other badly. Keep them in seperate cages.
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