
Mice store only a small amount of the energy they obtain from plants they eat.?

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State what might happen to some of the remaining energy they obtain from the plants.




  1. They multiply like crazy at a fantastic rate.

    "Mice have a rapid reproduction rate; the gestation period is approximately 18 to 21 days. The typical litter size is 4 to 12 young. Males can mate with the female as soon as the litter is born. Female mice should not be bred before 12 weeks or after 8 months; doing so can be very dangerous,[15] and some mice can die while giving birth. Does come into heat around every five days, so the pair can be kept together for up to ten days. Baby mice, also called pups, are born blind, naked, and deaf.[16] Their eyes are closed and their ears are stuck to the sides of their heads. Mothers may eat any dead or sickly offspring.[17] Pups begin to grow hair at two to four days. Ears open at three to five days, and the pups will start vocalizing. Eyes open at 14 days, and the babies will start exploring the world around them. At three weeks old they look like miniature versions of adult mice. At four to five weeks the pups will be able to breed."

  2. Mice have a very high metabolic rate. What is not stored is burned as energy.

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