
Michael Anderson on Shearer

by Ed McKenzie  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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This fellow is talking c**p!




  1. Editor 9
    What article?

  2. Rajni Sharma
    Michael wake up son, quit dreaming!

    I have made a study of Shearer from the time he took a test at St.James' Park. His record is not as good as it looks.

    You must bear one factor in mind, some 45% of his goals were spot kicks, and that is not beating the other side, it is a near certainty of getting a goal. To build a reputation up on this, leaves a lot to be desired.He had this signed into his contract, he must have the No9 shirt, and he must take All penalties, Peter Beardsley was the player who normally took them. He smashed more noses with his elbow than anyone I know of, but was very crafty!

    There are many incidents he has been involved in.....e.g. The Neil Lennon of Leicester one is horrific, Neil finished up in his own goal with the stud marks of Shearer's boot in his face. Shearer claims it was an accident. The film records shoe Shearer on his back with his boot in Neil's face and Neil was cornered into the net, and that was his own goal!

    I can't say if he would ever make a Manager. I doubt it very much. He has no charisma, as Dalglish and Keegan did. He has no leadership qualities at all!

    If he is really interested, then he should take a page out of Mike Ashley's book and learn from the bottom! And then come up if he has the quality! To actually take the Magpies on as he did, was truly ludicrous.

    Again, he has this thing about being the greatest on Tyneside, but that can and never will be taken away from Jackie Milburn, the greatest player we have ever had. Fatso Shepherd had the wording altered to suit himself and Shearer. The greatest number of goals scored in a black and white shirt! That is grossly unfair, for a start, he played with the Magpies abroad many times, in the UEFA competitions etc, and that was impossible for Jackie to have done, so if we want to discount goals, here is one way he never equalled Jackie's record. The FA says he never did. There was a war on if you recall! We did not play in Europe. We fought there! Jackie did his share down the coalmines!

    Mike promised him a statue, which was commissioned by Fatso Shepherd,the Cumbrian lout aka as Chairman. That was  if he kept the team up, and gave him 5M pounds to do it! There is not going to be a statue, even if there was it would be a mockery to any great player.

    The only way we can get rid of him once and for all is to let him become the Manager and see the real harm he does to the Magpies, and in that day, I think his followers will hate him! Mike will not give him any contract and has said so, he is too much of a liability.

    Let us look at the Official NUFC Records and see the way the figures are doctored:

    Shearers None League Goals.

    Champions League……7

    Cup Winners Cup……..1


    Split Up:

    Shots …………………18




    Home…………………18( Leazes End 11, Gallowgate End 7)


    This is from the Newcastle Official Records!

    So, to be fair to Wor Jackie,let us take the 30 off, which is right and proper...and we get at the best..........176 goals actually scored in the PremierShip League! The guy is just a take on! Yes they were in black and white shirts, but impossible to compare them to Wor Jackie's 238, as the WW2 taking place! There were no European games............apart from the games our Military played on the Germans!

    So let us go into the facts of it! Jackie avoided headers, as did many other players, simply because the leather encased ball, usually soaken and very heavy with a leather lace almost concussed the header. Not like todays balloon!

    Let come back to it. Elbow Shearers fans say he is the top scorer at the Magpies, I say he is not and ask anyone of them to prove it. He limped along in the last season and scored a sensational 6 goals, 3 were given to him as gifts.

    But let us put the figures together and see how they figure. Of Elbows goals, 30 came from European Games! :smt005

    So, in there is no comparison. We were fighting a 6 year war! So there were no European games! OK?

    So we will deduct the 30 from Elbows record in fairness to Wor Jacky, That is 206 - 30 = 176!

    But to be fair, we have to do the same with Wor Jackie, the pride of England. The FA records give him 238! So seeing as 38 were War League games we will deduct them! In all fairness to Elbows! Wor Jackie......238 - 38 =200! See for yourself, you can't have the cake and eat it. Therefore Wor Jackie.......200..........Elbows Shearer .......176! Now that is being fair. We do not take into consideration the different position's Jackie played in,nor the times he was not in the No9 shirt! Nor that he was not the spot taker as Elbows insisted on being!

    The fact of the matter emerges............Wor Jackie....200 goals.............Elbows Shearer.....176! 24 less!

    Elbows you are an utter ponce and liar! A Manager? For 5M quid you had us relegated…….call that Managerial material………..I would not put it on the garden

    I find that pretty offensive. It seems obscene to me!

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