
Michael Bisping vs Anderson Silva, who would win?

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Jason Day was way to easy for Bisping at UFC 85 and I think Bisping has what it takes to take on Anderson Silva after a couple of more fights. Who do you think would win and why?




  1. Bisping is a overrated tool. When are they going to put someone who has any kind of winning record or octagon experience in front of him. Silva is in a whole other league, He can pound Bisping on his feet and make him tap on the ground. Until they put someone that can challenge him in the octagon then he will always in my book be an overrated egotistical tool.

  2. LOL, i am not laughing at you, i am laughing at every one else cause just about all of you are saying franklin or lebon could take him, guess what dip s***s Silva has already laid them out and i find interesting that alot of you who are saying day isnt **** are the same ones who said he would beat bisping so obvously he has taken on good fighters and dana white and zuffa staff will all tell you there is never a gimmie fight and every ones got a chance. h**l i mhave a chance to beat Penn or GSP, may not be very good chance at all but never forget punchers luck and i think bisping has the tools to beat silva I am going to love to see alot of you guys eat your own words.

  3. As a Brit I would like to say Bisping, but the truth is, Silva would anihilate him within 60 seconds.

    Anderson Silva is not human.

    He is a knee-robot.

    Bisping is good for a Brit, but like football, that doesn't mean much!

  4. Wow, you're a moron, Anderson Silva would completely crush Bisbing. Who'd he beat? Charles McCarthy?! Jason Day?! He shouldn't have even won that Matt Hamil fight. And while Silva may not have the best wrestling ability, he still has a submission win over Hendo who is a world class wrestler. Anderson Silva is a monster, when he clinches, you feel it, just ask Franklin who got his nose broken by Silva's knees.

    Bottom line is that the man is a beast, he has reach, KO power, an accurate striker, and kicks like a true muay thai fighter.

  5. Anderson silva is an incredible fighter theres no denying that. But Bisping has great potential and is tough. If Bisping was to get silva to the ground in a dominant position his ground and pound is pretty solid. I dont know why everyone is so negative about Bisping, he has to fight who Dana White puts in front of him and all he can do is keep winning which is has done. He only lost to Rashad evans closely  and also him being at light heavyweight. He deserves a title shot sooner or later and although the underdog, i would not be shocked if he won.

  6. At the moment it is too soon for Bisping, it wouldnt be fair. I think we should see how me does against the likes of Franklin or Henderson before we have him fight the champion.

    If he defeats Hendo, Franklin or even Okami then give its is fair to give him a title shot.

  7. I think Bisping

  8. This is absolutely absurd.  Silva would beat him easily in the first round.  Bisping has not even faught a good fighter till this day.

  9. fight we all want to c if bisping can beat another couple of top guys in the division e.g. franklin, henderson, then he has a chance against silva, but as u know anything can happen in MMA!

  10. Silva would be all over bisping like a cheap suit.  Silva has phenomenal movement, rhythm, timing and technique.  Silva's a great all rounder.  I'm afraid it would be Silva, TKO in the first.

  11. Silva would destroy Bisping

  12. Never mind Bispin, no MW is going to beat Silva anytime soon, there is simply no one as good as him.

  13. i agree with most i dont think hes quite up there yet

    however Silva's main weakness is wrestling which Bisping can dominate him in

    it would be an interesting match to see if Bisping could use the one real weakness in Silva's game

  14. since bisbing only fights cans and silva fights top fighters i pick silva!!!!!!!!!!!1

  15. i think a lot of people have a negative opinion of bisping because of his last two fights at LHW.  But since his move to MW, i would say he's looked pretty darn good.  I think he has the strength advantage over most fighters in this division, and since he's shed those extra pounds he looks a lot quicker as well.

    All that being said, its true that he hasn't fought anybody at the caliber of Silva yet, and i think he would have a pretty tough time winning that fight.  I personally think Franklin and Henderson are better fighters than Bisping at MW, and Silva beat them both.

    But sonsidering the lack of compitition in the MW division, i think Bisping might get that title shot sooner rather than later.

  16. Now is not a good time to fight Silva, he is in his prime, Just ask rich Franklin !

    Bisping would lose prob in first round, leben,franklin or hendo would make better opponents at this time in his career.

    Problem is that who can the UFC put up against silva ? He has destroyed pretty much all the top ranked fighters with ease. GSP needs to move up a weight !!

  17. Is this a serious question? Who is Jason Day? That's why he was so easy for Bisping. Anderson Silva would knock him out in the first round. Bisping is not impressive and hasn't beaten anyone except Matt Hammill, and he lost to him according to everyone but the English Judges. Bisping has a long way to go before getting a title shot. Rich Franklin would beat him easily.

  18. silva all the way lol

    no one beats the spider

  19. Anderson Silva I'd say as he'd be too strong and as others have pointed out Michael Bisping is'nt quite there as yet :)***

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