I am still attempting to learn what the MALE dancers chant (a four word phrase) in the number called "Warlords" (about 1/3 of the way through the show) and again in another number about 2/3 way through (same phrase). It's a 4-syllable phrase, could be Gaelic but I hope it's English, and I hope someone knows what it is.
MG, my attempt to keep my previous question "Open", to give you time to research this, failed when your response got voted "Best Question" by the Answers Community. Since I have no other way to reach you, I'm asking again in the hopes that this one will be open long enough for an answer (from you or anyone else). Thanks.
I don't know why this issue is bothering me so much. Maybe it's because those are the ONLY WORDS spoken in ANY of the dance numbers throughout the whole show.....and since they are spoken TWICE IN A ROW in EACH NUMBER in which they are used, they must have some kind of significance, wouldn' t you think????