
Michael Jordan vs. Michael Phelps vs. Tiger Woods?

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these 3 gentlemen ARE HANDS DOWN THE BEST ever to step on or in to the court green or pool. Now you can argue Magic was a better point guard or Vince is a better dunker my point these gentlemen excell in everything that the sport intells Jordan was and all-round excellent player you don't hear Jordan struggled in this area Phelps could be stronger here. So I want you to tell me who do you respect the most.

Food for THOUGTH

Jordan: All around great millions can play basketball and he is above all of them

Phelps:The best at everything broken records in almost every swim he does not do EVERYTHING the longer swims so not EVERY field in swimming is covered

Woods:Very little people golf most do not get a chance But he is excellent as far as i know




  1. I do respect them all, but I would say MJ the most.  The main reason is he didn't make his high school basketball team freshman year, and that didn't discourage him, he worked extremely hard in the off season (and grew a few inches), and now look at him, he is the best all-around basketball player of all time.  Because of his perseverance, I respect him more than the others, all though I respect them all.

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