
Michael Moore will be on Larry King tonight, are you watching it?

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I really respect him because he has had to face the nastiest people, He was going to be a Priest & I think his direction changed when he met his wife. He is a devout Catholic & I think he does what he does from a very carring heart. Tell me who you are voting for & what party you are in. I have seen a few republicans on here who are voting for Obama so if you are a dem. voting for McCain or visa versa please state that & if you are watching Moore tonight.




  1. I'd rather watch a fat dog f**t.

    To hey there, you might be surprised at what "old" people can do.

  2. I didn't know he was going to be on...i'll be watching.

    Democrat voting for Obama If I could (I'm Canadian but highly fascinated with your election).

  3. I'm not but only because I lost interest in Mike Moore after he made Columbine & 911....since then he has shown his only real agenda is to alienate American's.....he is worse than Obomba!

  4. Lynn, you've got to be kidding. He is the greatest twister of the truth that I have ever seen. In fact, he makes me sick and I would never watch him again. I did many years ago and thought he was interesting. Then I learned how he lies and twist things like a pretzel, Now I have zero respect for him and wouldn't walk across the street to see him. He is truly deranged.

  5. Thanks for the headzup...

    I don't watch the MSM, but I made an exception to watch the debate on CSPAN and now I'll have to watch this too...

    But after that, the TV goes back off.

  6. It will be like watching a catcher in a fat suit catching soft balls.

  7. Yep, I'm sure it'll be interesting.

  8. Probably not.  I'd rather watch Family Guy reruns for the 20th time on Cartoon Network.

  9. Yes... and his biography movie is coming out next month!

    Look here for the trailer:

    I can't wait to see it!!!

  10. I'd rather watch paint dry.

  11. Micheal Moore doesn't interest me at all. Neither does Larry King. I think watching that would be as slow and boring as watching old people f---. No thanks.

    Hey Foz- I'm getting old too, it's not pretty, lol!

  12. Why would we want to enrich CNN with our viewership or spend any time at all listening to that fat, bloated, anti-American blathering fool Michael Moore?

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