
Michael Phelps,Michael Phelps,Michael Phelps <---?

by Guest60837  |  earlier

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Tired of all the exposure he is soaking up?

i can't even remember who his team mates are!

i know he is attempting to re~write history but you have to feel sorry for the other guys on the team :( you can see them get annoyed when the camera ignores them and just focuses on Phelps.




  1. he is a great swimmer though so he deserves glory. he also has an amazing body. :)

  2. i love michael phelps so much!

    but i also love other people on the teamm like matt grievers and aaron piersol

    they arent being completely ignored

    but michael phelps deserves attention, he is the best in the whoooollle world

  3. yeah i know!

    and i bet not only his team feels neglected, like for example, some sports they only get the scores and who won shown, they don&#039;t even show how they won or anything! but they always have time for Phelps and what he&#039;s listening to on his ipod, what he eats, etc.

    he&#039;s a cool guy, but i feel bad for the other olympians

  4. They don&#039;t care as long as they have their gold metal,

    in swimming in the same relays. &lt;}:-})

  5. fgjxfgj

  6. he has team makes is this a question

  7. Yeah its also like on football teams. How do you think Tom Brady or Peyton Manning do so well? Its skill yes but they wouldn&#039;t be half the players they are if they didn&#039;t have a good offensive line to block them so they can pass it to the receivers. And another thing, the receivers do the work to give the QB the glory. Of course the QB gets it there don&#039;t get me wrong and I&#039;m not downing none of the players cause they are so much better than me and I respect the but come on give me a break here.So while Brady, Manning,and the other QBs that everyone knows of they didn&#039;t where they were today without the 5 big 350lbs men in front of them and the talented receivers on either side of them

    Sorry that this has nothing to do with Phelps, the Olympic team, or the Olympics in general lol  

  8. its not his fault he happens to be the greatest olympian ever. you need to pay a little more attention to who his teammates are if you care so goddamn much

  9. yeah but dang this is remarkable what hes attempting to do, he deserves all the glory

  10. I remember who some of his teammates are:

    Ryan Lochte, Garrett Weber-Gale, Jones, Jason Lezak, Wildman-Tobriner, Aaron Peirsol, Vanderkaay sure there are more but these are the ones I remember.

    I can only tell you these names because of Micahel Phelps. If they were not competing with him on a team they competed before him in events and as I waited to watch him. I watched these guys and cheered them all on also.

  11. well, jason lezack diffidently got some fame for winning the 4x100 relay for the usa!

  12. But he does deserve the glory. He&#039;s an amazing swimmer attempting to make history. (:

  13. I think it&#039;s amazing what he is accomplishing but I am so tired of hearing his name lol.  

  14. i just hope he gets his 8th gold medal tonight

  15. Oh i know!! I think it&#039;s really sad. I mean, just think. Jason Lezach won the medley relay for them, and yet Michael Phelps gets all the credit. I am a very competitive swimmer, and I think it would be awful to be an OLYMPIAN and yet nobody even knows your name. Like this--&gt; in the trials at Omaha, BOTH Phelps and Lochte went under the world record, but Phelps just slightly outtouched Lochte and received all the credit. Phelps is an amazing athlete and all, but sometimes I find myself wishing that an underdog would come along and beat him.  

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