
Michael Waltrip is the worst driver in NASCAR ever? LOL?

by Guest66680  |  earlier

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LOL I was cracking up when i heard the 07 spotter say that!!!! what did you think?? hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhah...

im hyper :)




  1. im not hyper but only cuz Katie looks sad but yeah that was really funny but Clint said it

  2. As others have noted, it was Clint.  But you are right.  Hilarious.  BTW - Clint is right.  MW is bad!  Not very good in front of the camera - Have you seen him on This Week In NASCAR?  Clint made a fan of me - he drove the broken wheels off that car and got back into the chase.  On another note - it was Casey's spotter's fault but Clint had a bad perspective.  -  POOR MIKEY???  He hasn't earned any respect...

  3. I know I was laughing at that too.

  4. I think the word "ever" is a bit far fetched.  I'd actually give that nod to Casey Atwood. He was the biggest dud in the history of NASCAR.  LOL

  5. If you ever get to attend a race, rent a scanner. It's funny how often a driver or crew chief will make fun of another driver. And often with quite colorful vocabulary. ; )

    EDIT: lol, Casey Atwood. Haven't heard that name in a long time. Good point!

  6. It was Clint that said that, not his spotter. I don't think he made many fans tonight.

    Poor Mikey can't get any respect.

  7. Not sure if he's the worst, but he's pretty close.

    Note to Tbone:  You keep leaving the "e" off of the word "dude".  You called Newman a dud earlier this week, now Atwood's a dud, too?  Come on, they're just dudes, right?  lol

  8. lmao that's funny. he is pretty bad the last few years. but at least he has a sense of humor about it. :)

  9. For those who missed it.

  10. Let's see, Mikey's won 2 Daytona 500's...and Clunk Bowyer has won, well, NONE...hmmm...oh well, at least Bowyer will look real spiffy in that hamburger helper/cheerios uniform next year...

  11. It's not funny. Waltrip is a good driver.

    Now I am upset that Truex is 43rd -100 laps down

    Now Paul Menard should have gotten a Allstate Good Hands Award for the way he narrowly missed Blaney's crash.

    It's all Good

  12. i didn't hear it but that is sad but nothing is worst than robby gordon's comments about michael at loudon a couple years ago

  13. Surely not... Clint just didn't have the best point of view.  l was cracking up, too, though.  =P

    Kyle totally earned the Good Hands award & he should have gotten the Monster Moment last weekend (iirc) for his move on Jimmy.  That's entertainment, Kyle!!!   o.~

  14. that shows your intelligence clint said that not the spotter  

  15. NO! That guy named dale jr., now he is the worst driver ever!

  16. *repeatedly visits the redundancy department again*

  17. Haha ya it was funny. But Clint isn't right about that...But he was ticked off so he probably didn't mean it...or maybe he did lol.  

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