
Michael phelps 1/100 of a second finish picture?

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for the picture of the race that michael phelps won by 1/100th of a second (i believe the 100m butterfly) where him and cavic (i think) are both at the wall and the camera is underneath them in the water. thanks!




  1. This is a good frame by frame finish of the 100m Butterfly final

  2. what...

    this one:

    or this one:

  3. I'm looking for the same thing! Hope another answerer has it...

  4. This picture perfectly shows how he won.

  5. it's here, as of now.

  6. He's on ROIDS and EPO

  7. i don't know where to find it, altho, I am sure it is out there....but wasn't that the coolest thing ever!!

  8. Contact NBC: they own US broadcast rights. But the camera work is done by an Italian company from Turin called T.O.B.O.

    I'm sure that it will show up on the Internet soon anyway; I saw it just once on NBC and not once since then.

    The guy is FAST and he has quite a reach; I'm sure that Cavic feels cheated, but he just was 1/100th of a second too slow. Speaking of which, 1/100th is what cost a female US swimmer the gold, but she's not complaining. Besides, there's no way to 'rig' those Omega contact pads.

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