
Micheal my guinea and my hamster ester?

by Guest60814  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about moving several states from were I'm at. how to i per pare my animals for the trip.




  1. Just make sure they have a comfortable journey.  If the cages will fit in the car with you then great but I imagine that would not be comfortable for you!  Buy carry cases for them (a cat carrier with a solid floor would do for the guinea pig).  Just make sure they have room to turn round and move about a little.  Give them some bedding and food for the journey.  They need water but in my experience the car vibrations make water bottles empty their contents pretty quick resulting in a wet carrier.  What I do for long jouneys is provide their favourite fresh food that has a high water-content (like cucumber or water-melon).  Make sure the journey isn't too noisy with shouting or a loud radio as that could stress them out.  If they look stressed it can help to cover the carrier with something like a blanket as the dark can calm them.  When you get to your new house get them back into their cages as soon as possible and leave them alone to get some rest and adjust to the new surroundings.  

  2. Just make sure they have a comfortable journey. If the cages will fit in the car with you then great but I imagine that would not be comfortable for you! Buy carry cases for them (a cat carrier with a solid floor would do for the guinea pig). Just make sure they have room to turn round and move about a little. Give them some bedding and food for the journey. They need water but in my experience the car vibrations make water bottles empty their contents pretty quick resulting in a wet carrier. What I do for long jouneys is provide their favourite fresh food that has a high water-content (like cucumber or water-melon). Make sure the journey isn't too noisy with shouting or a loud radio as that could stress them out. If they look stressed it can help to cover the carrier with something like a blanket as the dark can calm them. When you get to your new house get them back into their cages as soon as possible and leave them alone to get some rest and adjust to the new surroundings.

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