
Michele Obama has been stomping and making speeches for her husband?

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and when she was attacked all we heard was that wives and families are not running for president so they should be OFF LIMITS to scrutiny........but the same people are like circling vultures around the children of the republican VP candidate..Why is it ok to publicly humiliate a minor daughter and create a lie about a downs syndrome baby, but not ok to criticize a grown, professional woman who made the choice to make political speeches for her husband??




  1. She needs to stay out of politics.While we're at it so does her hubby!

  2. Stomp the Stump Michele---I think it was child-abuse to take those two daughters to a racist

    "Blame America for all the worlds woes"  Church.

    Those poor children did not know the difference---that's just plain wrong.

  3. you mean "stumping".

    but yes, i agree

  4. Look who is talking about hate.

  5. If the wife or husband is out on the campaign trail they are open to criticism, but under no circumstances are their children, Republican or Democrat, ever to be subjected to such ridicule.

    Yes, I agree, absolutely!


  6. Well she has to make herself look like an American, but then on the other hand, she hangs out with the Farrakhan's, and we all know who they are, the leaders of the black muslim party, good grief what a party to have to attend!!

    God bless the USA

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