
Michele wie overrated?

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i mean she did make it to the pros i will give her that but she was supposed to be the next big thing in golf, competing in mens tournaments but why try mens tournaments when you can even win an lpga and not even qualify for the open lpga

i am really disappointed

what are your thoughts about her




  1. Michelle Who (?)

    Vijay Signh has said the best and kindest words for her.

    I second them!

    C'mon who is she fooling?!  Every golfer (man or woman) wants to win a tournament.  

    Michelle, win 1! Then you can start clowning around the men's tour!

  2. She's made dumb mistakes during her career, and she can't stop making them. She's a tragedy in the making and wasting her potential talent. Her parents managing her (especially her father) are part of the blame. They've handled it very poorly, and only want the money.

  3. The PGA and LPGA could do themselves a BIG favor by enacting a minimum age limt (like 18) to avoid greedy, overbearing parents from pushing their kids too hard at too young an age.  Michelle Wie isn't overrated, she just got pushed way too hard too soon.

    Wie was/still is just WAY too young to handle all the pressures that come with being a professional athlete IMO.  It was also a HUGE mistake (by her or her parents and coaches) to think she could realistically play against top men's players at age ~15 or 16!  She obviously wasn't ready.

    In hindsight, I think Wie could have been one of the greatest female golfers of all-time had she not been pressured to be "perfect" at age 13 and instead was allowed to develop her game outside of the spotlight before entering into the spotlight.   Even Tiger Woods, who I consider the greatest golfer of all-time by a pretty wide margin, wasn't playing in PGA tour events at age ~16!

  4. Big crybaby.  Listen to her speak make me cringe.  She thinks the world of herself when nobody else does.

  5. I think she's very overrated, I mean she missed so many cut but when she does have one promising week where she is close to the lead she gets DQ'd anyway.

    She is a good golfer but not a superstar in my opinion.

  6. no one would think anything of her if she remembered to sign her score card.

  7. can u say overrated. I CAN!!!!!!!!

  8. No shes not the moment she is just underachieving. She has the skills to get the job done but she needs to mature. She really is still a kid. Once she starts taking charge of her own life she will be a force.  Her sponcers are most likely telling her what events to play the mens tourney instead of the open.

  9. I can't believe she passed up a Major this week to play on the PGA and some wack event.  OMG it's the womens British Open....what the heck are you thinking?

    Her parents have got to be the worst managers in the history of golf.  I wouldn't doubt that she loses all of her endorsements within the next couple years.  

  10. Sports is a business first and a sport second; she was invited to play in Reno because she can draw fans -- i.e.-MONEY. David Duval who has been missing in action for years got an invite & complained she play on the futures tour. Day 1 she was tied for 76th place he for 125th maybe he should play the futures tour.

  11. Too soon to say overrated or not.

    With that being said...what she needs more than anything is to have someone with a brain managing her schedule.  Her parents have been failures in every sense of the word at this.

    She's doing this on several accounts; for one, her sponsors want ROI (return on investment) which is why she keeps accepting these sponsor invitations.  ***** all you want, but she's not the first nor the last to do this (Woods had zero status when he turned pro, and had sponsor invites that got him in to events he wouldn't have otherwise gotten into; however- he actually won two of the events, getting him full status).  The fact is this event she's playing in normally gets zero attention; with Wie it's getting as much attention as the WGC event, the Senior US Open, and the Women's Open Championship.  It bumps ticket sales, ad revenues, etc. In other words, the sponsor exemption is doing what it's supposed to do; help the tournament promoter.
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