
Michelle Obama's speech too scripted or heartfelt? Too much about her and Obama and not enough about ?

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what they will do for the country? What do you think?




  1. I thought it was a terrific speech by Michelle.  It is a speech by a spouse so it is going to be more personal than policy.  That's just the way things are.  By the way, their kids are adorable.

  2. It was pretty much run of the mill but very well delivered. She touted her husband and those who'd gone before us but what I picked up is that this change is exactly what everyone thinks that it is. A plan to tax us further into their idea of prosperity. They seem to think they have a corner on the market for peoples struggles as if they were the only people who had to struggle. What they should get a firm grip on is that while they made their progress off of the backs of others, who were also struggling for their families welfare, they achieved whatever progress by oppressing the larger part of our society by having the working person further taxed to pay for their well being and it continues today. They seem to think that all others are rich and have a unlimited bounty to live off of.I know that working white people are sick and tired of this idea they have . I for one have suffered for the taxes I pay to provide the welfare and other social programs to keep them afloat, provide their housing, medical care, education and everything they seem to think they have a free entitlement to. I think that with this speech, regardless of how well delivered, will have a negative affect. Her position of the first time she has ever been proud of her country to she is so proud of America won't wash,  are diametrically opposed positions which people see as playing to the crowd for the purposes of manipulation. I was not impressed but further solidified in my support for McCain..

  3. I think it would have felt more heartfelt if the mother's video had not made so much of Michelle quitting a high-paying job, to work for the poor.  That just doesn't stack up against the fact that to campaign for her husband, she has left her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital, the University of Chicago Medical Center.  Also her salary tripled after Obama won his race for Illinois senator.  Good for her that she is an intelligent, educated woman with a fabulous salary...and she lives in a house bought for more than one million dollars.  Just don't give a speech making her and her husband out to be living a life for the poor and down-trodden.  What we know is that her husband has promised to tax us to death.  

  4. tonight was her introduction to who they are there are and what they are for and why they care i dont think it was scripted at all it felt like it was just her and her telling what she and her husband are about and there was a part in her speech where she was talking about we are for healthcare we are for the people on the south sides bla bla bla etc so i do think she covered it but i think it was then just trying to say we are people just like u and i that was the goal for tonight and i think they definantly conqueredd that goal

  5. My biggest issue- the composition of it. The repeated "you see" phrases and the topic-jumping had me scratching my head. Her speech writer should be fired...oh it was her! haha

  6. Her speech? No, more like the ENTIRE convention was one big, fake, scripted joke. How could anyone believe ANY of the c**p said on that podium?!?

  7. it's only day 1.  relax a little

  8. I would never vote for a republican.

  9. At this level every speech is scripted. It was about her and Obama. She was there to showcase her husband. It all depends who you think will do a better job for our courntry. I think it pathetic that everyone who can vote don't.

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