Rarely, have I seen a black woman get a fair shake in the media, unless she's servicing or adoring White Americans.
Most of the people on Yahoo Answers aren't college educated or very intelligent, so your comments about me being bitter or racist cease to bother me.
An intelligent response:
Why is Michelle Obama being treated so terribly by the media? She's graceful. She's attractive. Incredibly intelligent. A Loving Mother. A Supportive wife. A sucessful business woman.
Yet, she's depicted as a racist and unpatriotic. Even though her own husband is half white and she quit her job to raise her children and help him become president of the United States when the chances of him getting this far seemed like a LONG SHOT - 16 months ago!
Any strong black woman is seen as a flawed individual by the media. Racist photos and comments are always waiting.
When was the last time you've seen the racism spewed about Obama/Michelle spewed about John or Cindy McCain?