
Michelle Obama and Black Women in the Media?

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Rarely, have I seen a black woman get a fair shake in the media, unless she's servicing or adoring White Americans.

Most of the people on Yahoo Answers aren't college educated or very intelligent, so your comments about me being bitter or racist cease to bother me.

An intelligent response:

Why is Michelle Obama being treated so terribly by the media? She's graceful. She's attractive. Incredibly intelligent. A Loving Mother. A Supportive wife. A sucessful business woman.

Yet, she's depicted as a racist and unpatriotic. Even though her own husband is half white and she quit her job to raise her children and help him become president of the United States when the chances of him getting this far seemed like a LONG SHOT - 16 months ago!

Any strong black woman is seen as a flawed individual by the media. Racist photos and comments are always waiting.

When was the last time you've seen the racism spewed about Obama/Michelle spewed about John or Cindy McCain?




  1. According to Foxnews, Michelle Obama is a "hate white" "terrorist fist jabbing" "obama's baby mama" "angry black woman".

    and since Fox isnt a newschannel, but entertainment for a certain portion of our society, this just highlights the racism that lies just under the surface of society, but is still very powerful

  2. Once again throw in the race card to get every one riled.  It is a political race EVERY one who joins in is fair game.  Say its about race all you want, but us in YA,  educated or not, know bitter (ooops)  I mean better.

  3. No question, I think Michelle Obama has been treated unfairly in the media. I also think the right-winged radio pundits are closet racists with an agenda.

    Now, with that said, has Michelle Obama been lambasted anymore by the mainstream media than Hillary Clinton was in 1992 when she was an aspiring first lady? I don't think so. Don't you remember that Hillary was severely raked over the coals for making that "cookie baking" statement. Michelle has been lambasted for misspeaking about her patriotism, which is a legitimate subject worthy of critique, unlike baking cookies in a kitchen.

    And as far as black women basically needing to be "uncle toms" in order to get a fair shake in the media? Is Oprah an Uncle Tom? People like Oprah and Barack Obama are not uncle toms and they are not pushing any one agenda, therefore, unlike Harry Belafonte, Julian Bond and Jesse Jackson, their message is not divisive.

  4. The media is trying to ghetto-ize her. The baby mama comments are just inexcusable and purely racist. They are threatened because she is so outspoken. As the saying goes she's America's worst nightmare: young educated and black.

  5. its nothing personal against her or black women its just that they want the other guy to win so they drag her through the mud to make him look better

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