
Michellin guys chashing out in Germany GP?!?

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Is it a coincidence that Pedrosa,Lorenzo and Edwards crashed out today.Nicky Hayden finished last due to tyre change in the pits.Depuinet and Toseland 8th and 10th out of 13 riders crossed final. The only Michellin rider that made a good race today was Dovi.And only one Bridgestone rider crashed today-Melandri .




  1. I have never doubted Rossi and any of his decisions. When he decided to switch to Brigestone I was almost 100% sure that it is for the best. This season it seemed that Brigestone and Michelin are both doing strong enough and if you ask me, this was the first race when we could actually see the difference in the tires.

    The Eurosport guys said that Brigestone had prepared special tires for this race. Stronger on the left side and other stuff that I don't understand ;) And the result was clear, as you pointed out. But I would prefer not to blame the tires for all the crashes. Yes, Pedrosa Lorenzo Edwards and Nicky all did not finish, but the first three riders were pushing it too hard. It was normal for their tires to give in. Plus the weather was pretty bad, and you know... a good rider knows when to push and when to go softer, and obviously these 3 dudes made a huge mistake! They wanted security that Michelin couldn't provide, but still, it was the riders' mistake.

  2. Yeah the Red B was better then the blue M today.

    I was really disappointed in Dani-bot today. Not WITH him, IN him.

    He is a guy, multiple 125 race winner, multiple 250 winner, multiple motoGP winner and multi world champ........ did he really think pulling out 0.7 / 2.2 & 2.4 seconds a lap faster then EVERYONE else in in the 3 laps was going to work ????

    What was was he thinking ? That cold tyres and a full fuel load were  going to take that punishment all race long? We all now Dani-bot is weak in a dog fight, but trying that hard was just stupid.

    No doubt, Mr Puig will of tanned his backside by now!!

    Good news is in Laguna it will 99% be red hot sun shine!!

    Good days racing, nothing for the French to write home about, but the j*p's just started on the Saki as soon as Edwards fell ( which was a damm shame ).

  3. And the question is? Edit...      Now the race is over, just finished watching it. The conditions were terrible,I dont think the tyres were the only thing that kept riders up. Having raced in conditions like that it doesn't take much to put you down.

  4. Coincident. Pedrosa pulled a moron move 7.5 second lead, and he's pushing, he could have just maintained that lead easily. I cheered though, can't stand the guy, he has zero personality.

  5. Hey sunny babe

    bollocks to a question - your observation was good, and the racing was hard today - but exciting!!

    If you wanted an answer I  would say "yes - Vale had a good idea to switch" buty mostly I would say "isn't the gp exciting???" well - isn't it? especially if you live in Europe anad you realise that every race day is a c**p shoot as to what the h**l the weather will do!!

    Mad - huh!

  6. Yeah, the Michelins had a bad day. Haven't watched the whole race yet as I was out.

    Bet Rossi was pleased to be on bridgestone rubber, did he konw this was going to happen......

    Well done Chris Vermulen P14 to P3, a difficult race expert.

    How many crashes for Lorenzo this year? Poor lad.

  7. Hi Sunny_babe,  It shows that Bridgestone still have the upperhand when it comes to wet weather tyres.  Im sure Rossi was pleased he was on Bridgestones. Strange really because its usually the Michelins that go well here.

    I thought the question was "is it a coincidence that Dani Jorge and Colin crashed out today ?"

    Answer No.  read above.  

    Maybe im just getting old but when something starts with" is it. "   the rest normally forms a question.

    Edit 2  Stoner was so quick in practice that Dani had to push. this is the top of the world, you dont get anything by being cautious. remember the michelins go off mid race. he needed the gap to hold stoner back. I cant blame a guy for trying.  also I tipped Dani to win stoner to place. oh so nearly..

  8. No coincidence I'll say it agian Spaniards are great riders, but they do not ride well in the rain. if it wasn't for the rain Dani boy might have won. Anyway now him and rival lorenzo have something else in common they both crashed.

        Even with the extent of those injuries iam pretty sure he will not miss the next race with Rossi that much up on points.

         its hard to say it the tyres made the differents in todays race, so don't  jump on the Bridgestone banwagon just yet. i think i have to see a few more of these wets to make that determination.

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