
Michigan Casino Blackjack Shoe Size Number of Decks?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a list of casinos in and around michigan that offer blackjack and please indicate the number of decks they use in their blackjack shoe. I am looking for casinos that have lower numbers of decks so i can try to count cards. Dont just tell me i can;t because i have been able to count through a deck of cards perfectly in under 40 seconds and have only been practicing for a little over 2 hours. thanks for the help!




  1. Well Mr. Counter: are you comming to Detroit? cause if you are it's a good place for you to get your *** kicked for the 2hrs. youve been practicing, SEE in case you haven't heard our mayor is not in a good mood right now.He would love to have his MEN find someone like you, throw you out and save HIS cassions from people like you.I dont think you would do to good on the reservations either GOOD LUCK!

  2. If you really knew how to count cards, you'd know that the number of decks shouldn't matter.  In fact, a larger deck gives a more meaningful true count.

    And, you are not even close to ready for counting cards in a real casino if you just got home from watching 21 and decided to start doing it 2 hours ago.


  3. You've thrown me a bit there Bob. What do you want to know the amount of decks for, lower numbers of decks shouldn't make much of a difference to you. You are a casinos dream people who think that they can count do us more good than anything else.

  4. The number of decks offered isnt as important as how deeply they deal into them.  The strategy for 4 deck, 6 deck and 8 deck is all the same, so it really boils down to do they have multideck or single deck,  Single deck is less common, and in michigan id probibly guess its a 6:5 game.

    Learning to count down a deck is about 5% of beating casinos blackjack, if youv only been at it 2 hours you will need to spend more time learning

    basic strategy (practice on

    strategy deviations(books,

    effects of rules on the game

    effects of penetration

    effects of bet spreads in compensating for penetration

    I dont want to burst your bubble but counting the cards as they are dealt is not enough to be successful enough to win money, so your going to have to learn more before you actually play for real cash.

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