
Michigan Governor gives a speech at the Dem's conv. about the economy?

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The Governor of Michigan gives a speech about how Obama will fix the economy while Michigan has the worst economy in the country she can't fix ours here so why should we believe her? Remember her line "just wait for 5 years you will be blown away" and look we are people are leaving this state to find work in other states where there are job's, the economy is better and they don't have the deficite that we have here




  1. He thought he was speaking at the National Irony Convention.  

  2. Yep! People here in Michigan are definately getting "blown away" from Granholm's typical, democratish policies of raising taxes and punishing those who create jobs. If O'Brother gets elected, I think we can expect the nation to follow Michigan's lead into economic despair. That's a change we can't afford!

  3. Michigan has a very poor economy BECAUSE of the policies of the G O P perpetuated by George W Bush

  4. Really????? :O omg!

  5. In order to get the reality of a situation, always take the opposite of whatever she says.  That's partly why I can't stand Gran-Mole *cough* I mean, Granholm.  To put it nicely, she's a waste of good office space - she's also a waste of bad office space, for that matter...  We'll see what happens (and how she'll s***w up) good ol' Kwame's hearing next week.

  6. omg

  7. Yes old jenny from the block is the last person you would ever want to talk to you about the economy. So you can see if Obama is going to do the exact same type of economic plan how is it going to affect the economy.

  8. N.A.F.T.A. - The elimination of the US involvement in any and every aspect of this agreement would bring back jobs to the US and build a stronger economy ....  This would bring back the big jobs to you area...    

    Protest!!!! Get out and protest in front of her office !!!! Get a lot of people to do this and you will not go un-noticed!!! Call all of the news companies.....Newspapers...

  9. does any state have a good economy with Bush in office. I don't know but once Bush is out we have to do what we can which is going to be very hard. McCain doesn't have anything better than Bush to offer. Obama has people who focus on improving the foundation. Jobs, health care & educations are where we should be investing rather than in people who have kids who buy their poodles diamond necklaces.

  10. As a fellow Michigander I could not agree with you more, Jennifer Granholm is nothing but full of $hit, and I do not think that Obama will do anything for us either..

  11. national irony convention! that's hilarious. because its true. michigan has the suckiest economy. but maybe she has faith in obama to pass the right bills and stuff to make it easier to help with states like that. john mccain sure as h**l isn't going to. the republican party isn't interested in lifting the poor ppl out of their problems, they make the rich richer, that's what they do. according to them the economy is fine. whatever state they happen to be enjoying one of their many condos and vacation homes in.

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