
Micing a drum set?

by  |  earlier

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how much will it cost to mic up a 7 piece drum set, or just a bass drum and snare, please list what i need to do this (EVERYTHING besides the drumset!)




  1. you're going to need

    2 overhead mikes and stands

    2 tom mikes (1 for stand toms 1 for floor) (floor tom mike doubles as ride mike) and stands

    1 snare/ hihat mike and stand

    1or 2 (don't know which 7pcs you have) bass mikes

    single mike cords for all mikes long enough to reach the box. (no barrel connectors)

    That's a minimum you can give every piece you have a mike if you want, but it would be wasteful.

    You can get a wide range of prices depending on what you want to spend, so I can't answer that part of the question. Your bass and snare should be good mikes but the rest can be middle of the road, and it won't hurt anything. BTW 7 years roadie/drum tech....

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