
Mick Malthouse - is he the cause of the WCE & Magpies woes?

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Mick Malthouse spent about nine years at the WCE. When he left the club was in trouble due to (mainly Ben Cousins) drug problems; rumours of players being involved with the criminal element; lack of proper supervision etc. The AFL's equivelant to a Royal Commission into the club was carried out by some old retired beak from Melbourne.

Mick left the Eagles & went to Collingwood - where he has been, oddly enough, for a similar nine year period. Now the Magpies are suffering with bad player behaviour & allegations of drugs; alcoholism; player association with criminal etc. ..... Just like at the Eagles.

Is it a co-incidence that Mick Malthouse has been the coach at each club where the worst player behaviour has occurred?




  1. When all the problems started to hit the Eagles  with bad player

    behaviour and excessive drug problems , all of it absolutely started (to be publicly opened up and shown)..........................

    and became real bad a good few years AFTER Malthouse had already

    well and truly Left 'The Eagles" .

    Although what you say , has some Merritt, i find it more interesting,

    that each time the guy (Malthouse) has left the team , a while later

    problems show up.

  2. He has got the complexion of a man who is a bit too fond of the sauce!

    But no, I don't think that you can blame the coach.  He isn't responsible for what these prats do off the field.  That should be personnel and the players "managers".  You'd think that they could afford to pay a chauffeur to run them around.

  3. No he is not, people just want to go out and have fun. it is not the coaches fault at all.

  4. He is their Football coach, Not their Dad.  

  5. A good question.

    And yes, he is somewhat responsible - regardless of what the one-eyed Collingwood supporters may be saying to the contrary.

  6. Malthouse may not be the cause of the players behaviour but one would have thought that he would do more to lead them on the right path.

    At both clubs there has been evidence of continued bad behaviour. If the coach is not deemed to be responsible for trying to toe them back into line, who is?

    The senior coach is the most revered of all personnel at a club so must be held somewhat responsible.

  7. Probably.

    I have no time for Malthouse as a coach so I am probably a bit biased.

    It appears a bit more than a coincidence that the two clubs he has been in charge of, for such lengthy periods, are displaying a similar behavioural problem.

    Surely the coach must have some influence on how the players behave off the field - it is too easy a cop out to deny any responsibility of his charges once the siren sounds on match day.

  8. You cannot blame the coach for player's off field indescretions and actions. It is up to each individual player to make his own desicions, and Malthouse has nothing to do with that. Every club has it's problems, just some more than others, and it is the individual whop lets these things happen, not the coach!

  9. I think it's a coincidence that Malthouse was the coach at two troubled clubs, but something that the affair at the weekend seems to have brought out is that his players, yet again, see fit to lie to the coach about their actions, and that doesn't argue a trusting relationship!

    You would think that after thirty years as a parent and 20+ years in coaching at THREE clubs including the Doggies, Micky M would have worked out if a lad is telling porkies, or is it that he may bend the truth so often himself he has no way of knowing?

    In any sense, I reckon it's time he got the shove from the Woods.

  10. i know he is the reason for grand final appearances!

  11. It stems from players getting too much money having too much time on their hands and being treated like they are gods you seem to forget Fevola doesn't play for either team and he has had his fair share of misdemeanours or the Hawthorn players that were doing drugs even though we didn't' get told who they are and we wont go into into big bad Barry.

  12. The troubles at WCE are not the sole responsibility of any one person. The club, as a whole, chose to discount the large amount of anecdotal evidence of players drug use. Perhaps if someone had of stepped in all those years ago Ben could have sorted himself out and avoided this whole situation. But perhaps not! He has managed to hide this problem for a long time so was obviously very good at the deception game. Nobody knows if he ever failed a drug test. Thank goodness he was finally forced to admit the problem and get some help. I think to blame Mick soley is wrong as we have had two other coaches since then. The club let us and the players especially down, not one person.

    Clubs have one aim and that is to win premierships. Sometimes this desire overshadows the duty of care they must show their players and, as you have said, "supervision" is lacking.

    FYI There has been talk by the WCE of sending players out with bodyguards to keep them away from trouble!!

  13. I don't know whether Mickey is solely responsible for those drop-kicks & their juvenile behaviour..............but poor old Mickey is surely responsible for the Pies fading out of the season, with barely a wimper.

    I love it!

  14. To be honest, I think it's probably a coincidence, that's can't blame a coach for the players' stupid behaviours! I mean, he's not their nanny! He doesn't watch them 24/7!

    Perhaps it's got more to do with both clubs having had the luxury of being so long without reprimand, without punishment when they do step outta line....I mean, Cousins had so many "issues" and "incidents" before the final one where everyone finally cracked it....maybe if someone had stepped in at the beginning and had some serious words with the moron, things wouldn't have got so bad! And with regards to Collingwood, who wouldn't be tempted to act out? I mean, If you have someone like Eddie MacGuire who's gonna stand-up for you at every turn, deny the world to protect you (until, of course, it all comes out that you were full of it, and had lied to everyone at the club hey :P )

    I think it's got more to do with what the Clubs themselves have let players get away with in the past, rather than Mick....

  15. oh yes "Rocky" coz Malthouse forced a $hit load of alcohol into their mouths and forced them to drink drive and smash into cars...yep, lets blame him for everything.. And im just sure Malthouse brainwashed Didak into lying and go on a drunken joy ride with a murderer.  Yep, Malthouse is the antichrist...pffffffffft.

    This is the biggest load of shite i've every read on this forum...but well, you are a WCE supporter arnt you.

  16. good observation but i think an unfortunate coincidence

    Mick is a very good coach and i think he has got more out of an ordinary collingwood list than most other coaches would have

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