
Miconception? or is there scientific proof?

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A. During the course of hominin history many species of humans (genusHomo) existed, but none of them ever coexisted at the same time.

B. Ancient hominins hunted dinosaurs as a food source.

C. Our understanding of human ancestry and evolution is


D. are there human branches out there besides the one human branch?




  1. A false  - Ancient humans coexisted with Neaderthals

    B false - Dinos died out long before humans.

    Wooly mammoth is not a dinosaur, fyi.

    C false - It will be complete when we unearth 10-20 specimens from every 100 years of every branch of homind tree. If we ever unearth it.

    D maybe, but not likely. There are Yeti sightings, but no bones have been ever found. So those other humans must bury their dead reall well.

  2. There is a Book called: The Answer Book by Ken Ham and Dr Don Batten that may interest you and a video called The Jurassic Ark Jouney.  Hope that helps you draw your own conclusion.

  3. You might want to look this up using the word "hominid" instead of "hominin."

  4. All four are misconceptions.

    And hominid and hominin are different terms.

  5. Actually, all those are misconceptions. Even D, if we're talking about present day.

  6. Misconception.

    A. Not true.

    B. The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago; our earliest ancestor separated from the great apes about 6 million years ago.  So, even in a very early form, we could not have hunted dinosaurs.

    C. Our understanding of our ancestry will never be complete.

    D. The Neanderthals were another type of human all together; proven through DNA.

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