
Micro biology?

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1-describe how motility medium demonstrates motility?

2-compare difference between the flagella of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisme?

3-Discuss how periplasmic flagella and gliding motility provide locomotion for bacteria? Thanks




  1. I agree except on question 1.  Motility medium, usually a semi-solid, is used to inject a sample into with a needle.  When cultured, you can look at it and see if the colonies have spread from the injection site.  If they have, it is probably motile (ie, E-Coli will have colonized all over the tube), others will stay right where you put the needle.  This method at the same time is not fool-proof, cause sometimes, motile bacteria are also aerobic (need oxygen) so will die in the medium.

  2. 1. TTC (Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) is used in motility media to demonstrate motility. When this substance is oxidized it changes color.

    2. Bacterial flagella is made of a protein called flaggelin that is added to the tip not the base. eukaryotic flagella is made of microfilaments (microtubules) in a 9+2 configuration. also prokaryotic flagella have a rotational movement. eukaryotic have a whip like motion.

    3. periplasmic flagella rotate with the periplasm and aids the bacteria (usually spirochetes) to swim in viscous fluids. In gliding motility the bacteria secretes a slimy material that helps the bacteria adhere to a surface (usuallly with low water content like the soil) and help the bacteria move. the complete mechanism is not known yet.
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