
Microeconomics homework help?

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Jack is a wonderful guy...unfortunately, he is knows a little about a lot of things and is not particularly good at anything. He is searching to prove that he can do something useful...people scoff at this. Well, let's see!

Jack and Ace both work with a private investigating firm in New York city. One of the main jobs they receive is by firms wanting a background check on a potential new hire. These background checks are of two types: either simple or an exhaustive probing (we will just call it 'complex' for simplicity). Ace is considerably better and believe that Jack has nothing to offer.

Jack can complete 2 simple background checks or 1 complex background check per day. Ace is able to complete 5 simple background checks or 3 complex checks per day.

1.7. Assume that there is a load of cases to be done. Instead of both people doing both simple and complex cases - could they specialize? One person offers to do some simple background checks in return for the other person doing complex background checks for them? In other words, is there a gain from trade here?

If the answer is that there is no gains from trade - answer "0" below. Otherwise, give an example of a price of 1 complex background check that would be benefit both Ace and Jack.




  1. Jack's relative price of one complex background check (c) is two simple background checks (s), while Ace's relative price is 5/3 or 1.67.

    While Ace is better in absolute terms (he is almost 3 times as productive), Jack has a relative advantage in simple background checks, so any price lower than 2 but higher than 1.67 would be beneficial to both Ace and Jack.

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