
Microphone input problem for camera problem?

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I am using a panasonic nv-gs230 with a 3.5mm minijack input and when i plug in my zoom H4 recorder through the line out the back ground noise is terrible. the recording level on the recorder is fine and when i plug a microphone straight in to the recorder it sounds ok. what could the problem be?




  1. You need an attenuation pad: will get you there.

    The Panasonic input expects a microphone-level signal; the line-level signal you're feeding it is way stronger, so it overloads the input.

    The availability of proper audio inputs is one of the key features that separate consumer cameras from professional ones.

    I'm still wondering why you want to get the H4 audio into the camera in the first place; the reason you'd get something like the H4 is to avoid recording audio in the camera. You should marry the sound and picture together in editing.

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