
Microsoft Excel 2000 Help?

by Guest55994  |  earlier

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I recently typed up all my Cd's and dvds using microsoft excel 2000. I'm wondering if there is any way possible using this program I can get them to show up alphabetically?




  1. Highlight all the data you want to sort then go to Data > Sort.

    you can then select which columns you want to sort on.

    a second way is to select one of the cells in your data range. Then click the quick sort icon on your toolbar.  It looks a A-Z with an UpArrow (for sorting ascending) and also A-Z with a DownArrow (for descending sorts).

    that's it.

  2. Hello,

    If you want to sort your CD and DVD titles alphabetically, it's very easy.


    1) select all the table you've entered,

    2) select "Sort" in "Data" menu

    3) in the first "Sort by" combo box, choose the column you have entered the CD titles, and so on

    4) Click OK

    That's all

  3. the microsoft EXEL 2000 is outdated get the exel 2007 .

  4. Yes you can use the sort function - select the data that you want to sort - then select either tools sort or data sort.

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