
Microsoft Office 2003 - crashing problems?

by  |  earlier

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I am using Microsoft Office 2003 on Windows Vista and it seems to keep crashing......I complete a few paragraphs of my work and sometimes when I try to do an action (e.g. save or change a format or something) it goes to the 'Not Responding' focus and does nothing. I then have to close and re-open the document and start again. It is causing problems because not saving all my work and I am having t write everything when on the 'Not Responding' screen so I can re-type!

Any diagnosis or suggestions welcome!!




  1.    Go to computer>click drive c>program files>and right click office. Then choose properties and see if there is an XP compatibility mode. If there is then choose this.

    2.If that is not possible. then go to control panel>add remove programs>then choose office and see if you have a choice of repair install.

    3.If you have the original disk re install from this (transfer your docs to an external drive if they are important).

    4. If none of this works it may be that vista has broken away from XP that bit too much when it comes to 2003.

    If you don t want to shell out for office 2007 and need desperately to access or work on your documents, then download open office. this will open microsoft office files and allow you to continue working on them. Best of all it's free open source software and really good.  

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