
Microsoft Word 2007 is locked, what's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a Toshiba laptop like a month ago. Whenever I launched MWord it asked me for a product key, and I found it underneath the laptop on a Windows sticker. I got a message saying it was incorrect but it still let me use Word. Now it won't let me use it because it says the application is locked; the program launches, but when I type I get that message. I even got a trial product key, which Word said was good, but the thing is still locked. I thought Word was a default program in computers? What's wrong? Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office?




  1. I have the same problem and i am still unable to fix it; i have homework to do and this is very annoying. help :(

  2. my microsoft word 2007it is locked it won"t let me write

  3. i have the same problem even on the full version. it worked fine for about a month and today it does not allow me to write or edit. even the new blank document does not allow me to do anything.  Pls help

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