
Microsoft Word Borders & Shading?

by  |  earlier

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I'm using an old version of Word--2002. I'm trying to put a selection of text in a simple border. But whether I select "text" or "paragraph" Word insists on putting each paragraph in its own box. I can't seem to put the whole selection in just one box. I've tried every possible choice. Any help? Or is this just not possible in Word 2002?




  1. It just worked for me. Here's what I did:

    1. Selected all the paragraphs I wanted bordered.

    2. Clicked the Format->Borders and Shading menu item.

    3. Clicked the Box setting.

    4. Clicked OK.

    If each paragraph is getting its own box, I suspect you may be changing that paragraph style to have a border rather than bordering the entire selection, as I did above.  Changing the style would propagate to all instances of the style in the document.

    Hope that helps.

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