
Microsoft a monopoly? what do you think..?

by  |  earlier

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i was going over the microsoft vs us case and just wanted to know what others thought...

do you think microsoft is a monopoly? please give reasons




  1. Person, i do not know what you are saying, but I love to monopoly on the computer, its so fun, If you mean like a maze? idk what ur talkn bro. hay, have a nice day

  2. walmart's a monopoly, windows not so much- especially since apple is slowly gaining the upper hand with share holders and customers.

  3. Microsoft is a total monopoly. How many computers, besides Apple, do you know that doesn't use Windows? Every computer in the country and beyond automatically comes with Windows. That is a monopoly. Some people use Linux because they can't stand Windows, but other than that, there aren't many options. Find me a computer that doesn't come with Windows (with very few exceptions) and I'll change my mind.

    It's kind of funny, though. Even though Microsoft is evil, their stocks are still at less than $30.00 a share, while Google is at almost $600.00 a share.

    Who's the better company? I'll go with Google on this.

  4. No, Microsoft is not a monopoly.  Not only is Apple a strong competitor, but Linux is on the rise.  Plus in the broader world of all computers (not just your Intel PCs) there are other operating systems and other software made by a huge variety of software vendors.

    Despite the other poster's statement, Wal-Mart is not a monopoly either.  Not even close.

    In a free market system, you really can't normally have a monopoly without having government assist you -- in fact, government-run semi-businesses (like Fannie Mae) or heavily regulated industries (like power companies) are the closest things we currently have to monopolies.

  5. Microsoft Corporation is nothing as a monopoly. The real monopoly corporations are the government link companies such as :





    Raw Materials - Gold, Tin, Copper, Silver, Steel, etc.



    News and Media


    Food Bulk Volume

    Land Sales


    Public Housing

    Check it out and tell which of these does not monopoly with our governments or your governments?

  6. no, because there are still plenty of other software companys out there plus apple has quite a good foot hold on the software market, but i do know that in U.S. law theres a % of the market that if a companies controle goes over they are concidered a monopoly so even if a company doesnt controle the entier market legaly they could be concidered one

  7. what does monopoly even mean i thought it was just a board game. i'm not sure if you've ever played fireball canyon, which is a great board game. people climb a mountain to rescue a treasure but occasionally a red marble rolls down the path and knocks them over. it's almost like an indiana jones type thing. hope that helps.

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