
Microsoft anti virus is trashing my pc?

by  |  earlier

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I have Avast Anti virus fitted which I find OK. Every minute or so I get a pop-up from Microsoft Anti virus 2008 telling me that my pc is unprotected and that I should download their software. The pop-up covers the middle of the screen. If I give in and begin to download the Microsoft I end up with a demand for money for the new system. Is this a genuine Microsoft hassle or malicious spam?




  1. microsoft has no antivirus of its ow. do not fall for it.

    instead install other free antivirus...

    avg or avast

  2. That is NOT Microsoft.  It is a HOAX.  Big Hoax.

    If it is what I think it is, the only way to get it off of your comuter is a program called Smith Fraud Fix.

    Googel for it.   It is free.

    As far as I know Microsoft does NOT have an antivirus program.

    They have Windows Defender and the security alearts that will let you know when you are not protected.  But no anti virus program.

  3. There is a removal instructions in this page how to remove Anti virus 2008.

    You must delete it because it is a rogue antispyware

  4. i am using Avast 4.8 home edition and i think the performance is quite good and at the same time i am also using windows defender. Are you sure its Antivirus 2008 or Antispyware 2008?  Anywho, let me give you a tip choosing a good antivirus for your PC because i know you really do care for your pc =)

    Here's a link which serve me best choosing an antivirus

    I just did a research for myself, hope it will help you dude... Good Luck...

  5. I assume you are using Vista?

    I did a very quick search at and found an almost identical question submitted to Microsoft.  This is the link to the question and the response from Microsoft Support (Those popups and the associated program are NOT MICROSOFT.)  The solution should also be within the link below.

  6. AVAST antivirus is a 3rd party anti virus software. It is not from Microsoft. But it is not a spam. It is asking you to buy software from them by giving you a trial version which you currently have. If you are willing to buy, its alright but getting a better antivirus software than AVAST is desirable such as Sophos. Sophos takes much less memory and does the job outright.

  7. This has nothing to do with virus. You have malware and the only way to remove it is to use an anti spyware. You can find information and reviews on anti spywares at tha link below.

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