
Microsoft takeover bid?

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Would this be a good or bad merger? What would happen if they had excepted?




  1. Take over or not, doesn't bother me much however this incident tells me that The world no 1 Microsoft Corporation ain't strong enough to buy simply one Yahoo Inc company. lol.

    I know in our country, there is one holding company that keeps buying MNC shares up to from 49% to 51% without any stressful incident. lol....

    PS: not just one MNC but more than 20 MNC around the globe.

    This shows that the fortune 500 1000 or whatsoever and forbes are alway bullshiting about the world ranking corporations every years. Perhap money keeps them :X! haha....

  2. It would have been... well, interesting.

    Microsoft would have been smart enough to keep everything the same except the owners. Yahoo would still be independant from Microsoft, but Microsoft would still own them.

    The reason they wanted Yahoo was because, if merged, they would beat out google in the search engine industry. The non merge was very good news to the presently dominant search engine corporation.

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