
Microwave quit. Microwave recently started "stuttering" and has now quit. After

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Microwave recently started "stuttering" and has now quit. After selecting power level and time + Start, the turntable turns a few degrees in each direction, the light comes on, and a few soft sizzles or pops are heard behind the button pad, then the unit stops. The clock counts down a few more seconds, then the unit goes off completely. The time returns to the clock as if nothing had happened.At first, simply restarting it would make it work. Now, the turntable doesn't even turn. The light inside comes on, the time starts counting down. After a few seconds, the sizzle sound starts for a second, and the unit stops. There is no electrical odor as if contacts are burning up.Has been a wonderful microwave. Worth fixing or should I buy a new one?Thanks


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