
Mid-High GPA, SAT... can I get into MIT, or other highly compatitable colleges?

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I am a junior 2008~2009.

I have 3.8 unweighted GPA. and 93.1 Average grade

I don't know my weighted, but I took 3 honors Fresh, and Soph year. Will take 3 AP, 1 honor in Junior. and 1or2AP and 2or3 Honors in Senior year.

I didn't take SAT yet (I will take one about 2 months from now) but I did take 5 practice ones and got around 1900 for all of them. I believe I can bring it up to 2000,or maybe over 2100.

I've been playing violin for over 6 years, have black belt in taekwondo, placed 7th in tennessee teacher's association's math compatition (alg II) about 3months ago. I write novel and well, I have over 800 readers. I work every sat. (and some other times many times) in my dad's store.

I'm not a native english speaker but have been speaking it for over 5 years now.

I do not have a greencard not citizenship, but am not an illegal immigrant.

So, do you think I can get into MIT, or other Highly




  1. There are many good schools around, not just MIT.  You might be in range, but your SAT will make a big difference.  Make a list of 5-7 colleges, and identify why you want to attend them.  Congrats on your achievements, and I believe you will be seen as a unique applicant.

    Without a green card, you will not qualify for financial aid, so that should factor into your decisions.  You might try for a full scholarship at a "lesser" school.

  2. maybe not...=PPP

  3. I think that you should have a very good chance for getting into MIT. I am going to be a sophomore in highschool next year so maybe you can give me some advice when you get into MIT? I will add you to my contacts. Good luck man! you have excellent extra curriculars and sounds like you will have good SAT scores and GPA. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. First of all congratulations on all of those accomplishments!

    Whether or not you can get into MIT or other great schools is up for discussion however with the new trends in college admissions. You seem highly qualified so you have good chances but because there is currently a peak in the number of students heading to college/applying to college the next few years as well as a spike in the number of colleges students are applying to whether or not you get into a school or why you do or don't get in is all up to interpretation

  5. you got a lot of great stuff there and i'm sure you will get into a great college...MIT? possible but don't count on it as colleges like that only accept a few applicants each year.

    do you have a student visa? are you one of those guys who married their cousin to get in to the US or what?

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