
Mid Term Voting?

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Our constitution has provisions for impeachment of government officials who fail to do their job or are convicted of crimes. There is a hesitancy in congress and the senate to take impeachment action against the president and the vice president. Those who believe impeached should be taken are afraid to take a public stand because they may loose votes and be on the po-po list if they do not succeed. Maybe what we need is a constitutional amendment that says the President, the vice president or any member of congress or the senate may be removed from office by a majority vote of the people during the next public election regardless if their elected term has been completed. This way the American people could remove the person in office without the impeachment process and without the person being allowed to remain in office when they are not worthy of it and the politicians would be more constituent aware.




  1. ??

  2. Not sure I fully understand the concept here but if what you are saying is we vote a person into office then find they are not doing their job or they lied to us or we find other legitimate reason to remove the person the voters could do this rather than rely upon the politicians to do it. Not a bad idea. Remember when Bush 1 said "no new taxes" but almost the first thing he did was increase taxes and Bush 2 said no nuclear storage in Nevada but he immediately pushed to get it done when he was elected. We too often get politicians in who say one thing then do another. Hillary is dodging questions on illegal aliens so we can expect her to support amnesty if she is elected. Most Americans are against amnesty but if she is elected she will get her way and we can do nothing about it until her four years is up. By allowing the VOTERS to remove politicians before their term is up we could apply greater pressure elected officials to do their job and take care of the voters. Isn't this pretty much what we do in the workplace? You take a job, can not do it or s***w it up and you get fired. Few people suffer. We put a politician in office, they s***w up or commit minor crimes and we can do nothing about it; their acts or failing to act, good or bad, effect millions of people. Here the people would decide, not the ineffective counterparts or the bad politician.

  3. Bad idea.  If I vote for someone, it is for the duration of his or her term.  The amendment process is costly and time consuming:  the House has to agree on it, the Senate has to agree on it, the president has to agree on it, 3/4 of the states have to vote to agree on it.  It won't happen.

    Congress should be reluctant to use the impeachment process.  Everything in the Capitol is so political, we want the process used for actual crimes and not for political witch hunts.

    President Clinton was impeached for a criminal act:  lying under oath.
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