
Middle East?

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Maaan what is up with the middle east.Why they all out of control all the time? It's insane lol




  1. it's been like that for centuries.

  2. If you can find it, read the book

    "Skeletons of the Zahara."  I read it and it seems to me that the nomadic tribes and people of the Middle East especially desert climates, because of the extreme conditions that they have had to live in since a long time ago - made them such that they fight - always fight - to survive.  This attitude has not yet been worked out of the gene pool.

  3. Outside interference messing things up.

  4. The Middle East is completely diverse ranging from fairly stable countries like Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia to war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The main conflicts are

    -The PKK wants the Kurds to have their own country of Kurdistan but countries like Turkey and Iraq would loose territory so they oppose it.

    -In the late 1940s the Zionist movement created the Jewish state of Israel but displace countless Palestinians which has lead to conflict to this day.

    -In Iraq the Sunnis and Shites fight each other. Also Many Iraqis oppose coalition troops in their country.

    -Iran and Israel have both made nuclear bombs and are threatening to attack each other.

    -In Afghanistan remaining Taliban fighters oppose Afghanistan's modernization and continually attack U.S. and Afghan troops as well as civilian targets  

    Most of these conflicts go back several decades and may take several years to fix.

    It's not all bad though. Places such as the U.A.E. and Turkey are rapidly growing economically and have become stable countries. Even better most of the Middle Eastern people are willing to have modern democratic governments.

  5. .Well they seem to like killing people and have done through out History. Never happy unless they have a gun in their hand. We should all leave them to get on with it, and also stop supplying them with guns etc. Plus the ones that live here should be sent back... then they can help them as we do not entertain people like that in our Country. also .. I wish that if they want to build Mosques   they do it over there and not here. They are supposed to be a peaceful people, or so I was told but I have seen no evidence to that yet.We are not Islamic but Christians and always will be, and we do not want any more wars.

  6. Too many people pulling different ways (In the Political world). Greed.

  7. I think we need answers from ALL the governments, Nobody is talking explaining what is going on! All they are doing is acting like a bunch of school kids.

  8. stop foreign interference, it will be very quiet

  9. It's mainly a religous battle out there.The muslim extremists hate the jews because they killed Christ, the jews hate the muslim extremeist because they are always creating havoc in Israel and the extremist claim that Israel is their land.  The muslim extremist hate the US because we are allied with the Israeli's, because of our 'lavish', 'Hedonistic' lifestyle, and because they have some crazy idea that America is an anti-muslim nation when a large peace loving muslim population exists inside America.  The war on terror also gave them (The Extremists)cause to hate the US even more because they 'Can't understand why we want to kill them' after all the people they murdered on 911. Again, I reiterate EXTREMISTS. Also, The Middle East flows with oil.  Until America can become dependent on its own energy resources, America has become financially enslaved to these nations out there who would rather see America destroyed.
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