
Middle Eastern natives, when you read the Qur'an in arabic...

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Can you comment on its literary eloquence compared with todays standard arabic which you speak? (I don't understand it because I only learnt how to read arabic. I'm learning arabic as a language at the mo)

Just the other day I was reading Surah Al Tiin

Wa-t-tiini wazey-tuni wa turisiniin

Wa Haadha Baladil Amin

Laqad halaqnal insaana fi ahsani taqwiim

Thumma radadnahu asfala saafiliin

illalazina aamanu wa amilusaali haati falahum ajrun gayru mamnoon

fama yukazibuka badu bideen

alaysal-lahu bi ahkamil hakimiin

As you can see, almost every line of the surah rhymes, which surprised me a great deal. So, when you read the Qur'an, what do you think of the way it is expressed by Allah (SWT). I have heard that it is literary and arabic poetic excellence. I saw the poetic side for myself, but I don't know arab grammer rules or words, so I'd just like to know what you have found in its literary expression when you have read it?




  1. brother Abul Hareeth said it well

  2. Assalamu Alaikum, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

    Allah  is master of all languages.

    Allah has written Quran in Classical Arabic.  

    Allah wrote nearly all shorts surahs in Juz 30th in poetry

    because it is more powerful and effective on the hearts and minds of listenters.  In Muslim World children are taught to memorize these short Surahs first. They easily sink into hearts of children.  Once they complete Juz 30, it becomes extremely easy for them to memorize rest of the Quran.  I memorized Juz 30, 1,2 & 3  at between age 6 and

    7  in one year.

    These surahs were revealed to Prophet in early period of his mission in Mecca.  This was the period when Arabs proudly used to sing poetry.  They held great competition of poetry. Good poets could talk in poetical rythm and often they said poetry right on spot on any given topic.

    Allah's  second purpose of writing these surahs in poetrical rythm was to let people realize that Mohammad SAW  was not a  poet and he couldn't possibly write these Himself   as  Kaafirs of Mecca  accused him and that these are messages from Allah Himself revealed to Mohammad being the Messenger of Allah.  Allah ordered Rasoolallah to have some one write the shortest Surah of Quran and hang it in Kaaba with a challenge to all Arab poets  to write some thing similar or better what Allah has written.  This was challenge of Allah to the Kaafirs of Mecca.. The paper got destroyed hanging quite some time from whether but none of the Arab poets could write any thing similar or better.

    The longer Surahs are written in prose and not poetry  but no one can write so beautifully and affective on the hearts and minds  like Allah has written.  Quran is a Master Piece of  Arabic Literuature.  That is why it is called  Classical Arabic.

    May Allah guide us all on to the right path of Islam. Ameen

    Wassalam, AM

  3. What you read in the Qur'aan is from Balaagha (eloquence) and it's rarely found in modern spoken Arabic. Even compared to poetry, the Qur'aan is far better.

    The language of the Qur'aan is levels of eloquence over modern standard. The rules found in the Qur'aan are meticulous and the rules itself are amazing.  

  4. Abul Harrith is right

  5. It's amazing. Over 6200 verses, half of which is in poetry, half of which is prose, and every verse is in the exact spot it should be, only Allah can do this.

  6. Yes of course , you can immediately feel that it is very eloquent compared to the Arabic we speak . The Quran is so beautiful .I consider myself lucky to know Arabic so I can feel the words of Allah better and appreciate it .

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