Can you comment on its literary eloquence compared with todays standard arabic which you speak? (I don't understand it because I only learnt how to read arabic. I'm learning arabic as a language at the mo)
Just the other day I was reading Surah Al Tiin
Wa-t-tiini wazey-tuni wa turisiniin
Wa Haadha Baladil Amin
Laqad halaqnal insaana fi ahsani taqwiim
Thumma radadnahu asfala saafiliin
illalazina aamanu wa amilusaali haati falahum ajrun gayru mamnoon
fama yukazibuka badu bideen
alaysal-lahu bi ahkamil hakimiin
As you can see, almost every line of the surah rhymes, which surprised me a great deal. So, when you read the Qur'an, what do you think of the way it is expressed by Allah (SWT). I have heard that it is literary and arabic poetic excellence. I saw the poetic side for myself, but I don't know arab grammer rules or words, so I'd just like to know what you have found in its literary expression when you have read it?