
Middle School Help!?!?

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I will be starting middle school in 3 weeks and I am so so so scared!! I am scared about lockers, passing periods, teachers, remembering my locker combo and classrooms.....

If you have and tips for me to succeed, please please PLEASE help me!!!

Thank you so much guys!






  1. Hey Meghan:

    I just finished middle school so I know the feeling.

    There's absolutely NOTHING to be scared about.

    Middle school is a PIECE OF CAKE. Take my word for it.

    The thing I was most scared/nervous about (and this may seem kinda silly) was losing my friends. I thought I wouldn't have any of my 7 classes with my good friends, but I was wrong. And of course, you're going to make a lot of new friends.

    Now remembering your locker combination is kinda tricky but not really. You'll get used to it in 1 week-10 days. Just write it down somewhere (ex. a notebook) but make sure you don't put it in your locker. I did that once. I wrote my combo on a piece of paper and then pasted it to the inside of my locker....haha. I had to call a teacher to come unlock it for me.

    And the myth about bullies pushing you into the lockers....that will NEVER happen. Trust me. Lockers are so small, they can't possibly fit a person in there.

    I hope I helped you a little bit (:

    If not, you can just hollah at me and I'll get back to you.


  2. Well Middle School is not like TV makes it to be.

    1.) In the first three weeks its ok if you are LATE

    2.) There are people in the hall to help you with your locker

    3.) Classrooms may be hard to remember at first but you will be going there EVERYDAY so you will remember eventually

    4.) Passing periods are more than enough time and once again its ok to be late

    Make sure you keep a scedule for EVERYTHING. And also keep your agenda up to date for it may be difficult remembering all the stuff you need to do!


  3. middle school was really scary at first..... it is actually really a lot more fun then grade school

    and just wait until highschool my freshman year was a blast!

    i cant wait until my sophmore year!

    just dont be nervious passing periods are usually about 4 minutes and remembering the combo is easy cause u use it so much, just dont tell anyone even if they are ur friend cause u never know wat might happen in the middle of the year

  4. Don't be so nervous, because your not the only one who thinks about all that once they've reached middle school or junior high (pretty much the same thing), but anyways all you have to is relax. Middle school shouldn't be anything scary, in fact it should be excitfun! You'll finally get to put your stuff in lockers instead of your desk, so if you feel like your going to forget your locker combo, all you have to do is write it down somewhere like on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, but you won't need it for long because you'll memorize it in no time.

    Teachers are a little bit different in middle school than they were in elementary school because they're are a lot more strict and beacause your older now they expect you to be more responsible, just make your you keep your homework, time and yourself organized. Make sure you pay attention in class, take good notes and DON'T PROCRASTINATE and you'll do just fine.

    A bad habit that most people have a hard time getting rid of when they're in middle school is procrastinating, it's and easy habit to gain, but a hard one to get rid of and you'll regret it in the end, trust me, i know. lol  Just make sure you don't leave anything like big projects or homework assignments for the last minute, because you'll just rush through it and end up having a horrible assignment, knowing you could of have done a much better job if you would have taken advantage of the time you were given to do it in.

    Well that's all i have for you, hopefully some of it helps. Middle school is scary, but by the end of your last year you'll realize how much fun it was and you won't want to leave. =)

  5. Awww... don't worry! Once you start it'll be so natural. lol. Don't be scared about lockers...they are harmless. When you first get the combination, just write it down.

    Remember "Right Left Right"...once you know how to do it, it's like tying your shoes...easy. Practice five times before you lock up for good.

    Changing classes is exciting coming at of elementary. I'm a senior in high school, and have had 7 classes for the last four year...and 6 classes for the 3 years before that.

    Schools usually give you an agenda to "keep track" of everything. Use it as much as you can....but you'll probably find yourself ditching after the first week. lol.

    Once you learn where you classes are you will learn when to go to your locker between which class, when to go to the bathroom, and when and where to socialize. It's just like any new gotta get used to it. will quickly learn what you can and can't do around them. Some are leaner than others. Just takes some getting to know them.

    The only thing to watch out for is that middle school kids like to think they are grown and say and do things that they are not ready for or or mean and innapropiate...they can be cruel too. But don't be immature like them. Establish yourself...gain respect, and trust no one!!

    It's not hard at all. Good Luck...not that you'll need it! ;)

  6. Don't worry about it. I promise it won't be as bad as you think.

    The lockers arn't that big of a deal, actualy I was relieved to get them. You have more space, and you can decorate the inside. To remember your locker combo, write it on a slip and keep it in a specific pocket of your backpack, that should help. The teachers may be a bit more harsh on you because they have to prepare you for high school, so don't take it to seriously if they are more strick or nasty to you- it's their job to prepare you. You can't slack when transfering classes, cause the first time your late, you'd get a warning, but after that, it becomes a problem if it keeps occuring.

    But don't worry about it too much. It's a big change but you can still have fun! The older years I find more fun, and life changing. Just keep your freinds close and don't change yourself to fit in.

  7. i remeber back then and i was stressing out coz i just couldn't even imagine myself at college (i think thats your middle school) but now after being there for years i ant imagine myself not there. ok locker combos are so easy to remeber so dont stress about forgetting it. what i did was take home the combination and THE LOCK the first night i got it and just kept ocking it and unlocking it so i knew the combo ff by heart and then when i got back to school the next day i was sorted. if you get given a school diary then always keep it on you and right the combo in the front cover of that along with anything else you need to know. if you dont get given one then make one, they help i promise. it took me 4 afternoons in a row to find my lockers because they gave me the wrong number, then the locks had been switched etc so i think the best thing to do is (do you have a student office) go to them after shool when they arent busy and ask them to direct you to your locker so you know exactly where it is and then mark it on your map.

    as for periods, dont worry all teachers are extremely lenient in the first week and most people get lost so its no bigee. if you have a tutor room that you take core subjects with then follow them (we have prep kids that have been at the school already) and makesure you take note of where you are going.  

    always keep your map on you (in your diary maybe) just incase and my personal favourite tip... on the first morning when you get to know your tutor class get all their cell phone numbers and that way if you ever get lost or forget which class you are supposed to be in then you can text them and someone is bound to know. copy your timetable into you diary too. dnt worry about the teachers as long as you try your best they wont be a problem. on my timetable i like to copy down the classroom number and also the name of the teacher so i dont forget so try that. if you are finding it really really impossibly hard to find your way around then stay after school and go round with your map so you get orientated and you can  understand your map being able to place an actual building to it.

    the cell phone thing really helped me. one again dont stress its not as hard as you think it will be at all and everyone is in the same boat as you so everyone makes mistakes

    oh try and make as many friends and remeber as many names from you tutor class as you can. if you say their name three time in conversation then you should remeber it and itll set you up with alot of friends. and if you dont get put in a class with your main friends this happens to most people and its common to just go find them at brake so dont worry and you can always change classes if you are really hating it.

    good luck and have fun xx =)
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