
Middle School Locker Decor???

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Okay so this is my last year in Middle School and I really want my locker to be awesome! I am kind of strange when it comes to colors cause i color coordinate stuff, (such as all my school supplies). But for my locker i have a bunch of pics of friends and my locker mirror is green, so what color theme should i go with in my locker? green, brown, and blue. or green, blue and purple?

Also I have this sheet for quotes and little sayings in my locker and i was wondering if there was any cool quotes or sayings on friendship, or anything along the lines of "live love laugh"

Any other tips or ideas about lockers would be cool too! thanks!




  1. I love the green, blue and purple idea!  

    Get a strip of magnets with the sticky side for attaching to the back of anything and it can be hung in your locker!  Magnet hooks will work for scarves, or other lite-weight items.

    Wih the magnets(sticky back), you can can hang anything of color coordinating designs and they are there stuck on to add the punch! There are also frames that are magnet and sticky on one side that are frames for your pictures - just attach to the oragami paper or scrap book paper to match the color or event....then decorate the frames with scrap book shapes and items.....too cool and fun!

    My friends are highly most important to me - so when it comes to a saying that is meaningful, I say........."Soulmates are not always two people who live happily ever after.....but instead, they are those who can lead each other to the necessary lessons in life for the greatest inner growth"

    Enjoy your school year!  I'd trade you any day!


  2. All I can say is shop at the local dollar tree because people are ignorant if they some how can get into your locker

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