
Middle School Locker Room?

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The woman teacher sits there and watches us change. is that considered sexual contact. or is it bad or anything? cuz in the school rule book that sexual contact is not allowed.




  1. watching is contact so no


    If she's not touching you in an inappropriate manner and she's not stating sexual remarks, then there's nothing wrong. Part of her job is probably to watch you in order to ensure that everything is well.

    If it really bothers you that much, though, I would suggest talking to someone about it.  

  3. It is her job to make sure that nothing happens in the locker room.  If she is simply watching over everyone, there's not a problem with it.  But.. if she is actually making contact (touching you), there is a problem with that.

  4. I'm not sure - but I think it isn't since the teacher isn't doing anything much... -but you should question her & ask her politely if she could keep her eyes to herself while your changing because you don't like to change with someone watching you & your sure your parents wouldn't like to hear about this - etc. GOOD LUCK :) xoxo.

  5. No this is not sexual contact.

    However if she touches you in the

    way you don't like it, then it becomes sexual contact,

    But you can bring this subject up to this gym teacher

    and or principle and say that you feel uncomfortable with her there watching

  6. Just go into the stall and change

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