
Middle School advice and something to find out?

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OK... i was in middle school last year but that was 6th grade and 7th is supposedly REALLY different so can you tell me a little about 7th grade? What TO do and what NOT to do?

AND... I walked my scheldule last year and i didn't get to this year should my mom call the shcool and ask if we can come in before school starts and do taht....

and i think i really need to walk it becasue last year even with walking it.... it was really hard and i was put on zoloft..... so..... yea lol




  1. hmm, my district is different.

    6th grade is the end of elementary & 7th & 8th is the only middle school grades.

    i think it's a good idea to walk your schedule,

    the best advice i can give you is to be yourself.

    middle school was probably the worst part of my school career.

    but there were those golden moments.

    high school's much better.

    just don't sweat it, but i know how you're feeling.

    i was in your shoes once.

    just be yourself.

    & keep a smile on your face & your head up high.

  2. 7th grade isn't much different. You just have a little more responsibility, and 6th graders will start looking up to you, lol. You don't have anything to worry about, really! Just go wtih the flow.

  3. 7th grade isn't different just theres more work and it's harder. follow your friends to your classes if they have the same class with you. Middle school is just high school prep and your gonna have to know this before you go to high school.

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