
Middle agers: What are the signs that you are turning into your parents?

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I say "Oh, for cryin' out loud!" a lot, and things like "Well, when I was a kid..."




  1. My mother was a teenager when she had me and we're more like sisters. The scary part is that we look alike and sound alike and people often confuse the two of us. I use the same kind of gestures and body language as she does when I speak. We're best friends and we agree on most things in life, we think alike and can finish each others sentences. It's often that we don't have to say anything at all, we already know what the other one is thinking. We use the same expressions for things, most often learning the new ones from each other, and we have the same story telling technique. We love telling stories. So, I'm turning into my mother in more than one way.

    The first time I thought about it was when my kids mistook me for their grandmother about 14 years ago. I denied it, I'm nothing like my mother in my eyes, but over the years I've had to admit that we are very alike.  

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