
Middle east countries,do you think they'll be better with more secularsim or sharia law ?

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keep in mind. that turkey was under sharia law now secular and still havent reached the top nor entered EU union!




  1. Sharia without any doubt.  

  2. Freedom does not mean secularism.

    I think the US has better freedom laws concerning religion.  The secularism in France and Tunisia are very stifling!  I know sisters that get turned down for PhDs and everything because of their hijab.

  3. Well I go with Pure sharia Law.

    Not the twisted one , The pure.

    And i think Secular Laws are the most stupid thing humans beings ever did.

    Its even more stupid cigarettes

  4. We will think about that later on, first we need a Khalifah

  5. Shari'a law hands down

  6. Secularism. Why go backwards? The world is secular...always has been and always will be. No country can manage to exist as an island. Actually, no country ever has.

  7. Depends on what you mean by "Better".

    Free countries govern with the consent of the governed.  Given that most mid-east countries' borders were drawn by Europeans without regard to cultural or ethnic divisions, I doubt you will ever be able to achieve the consent of the governed in that part of the world.  This means that the only way a government can be effective is by being some flavor of authoritarian or totalitarian.  A secular government of this sort is prone to severe abuse, and consequent unrest by the population.  At least under Sharia law the abuses by the clergy are masked by the fiction of being the will of Allah, so the population is less prone to object to abuses.

    Secularism will lead to women becoming more well educated, which will bring down the birth rate.  Free markets economically will lead to intellectual free markets, and as the population becomes more educated and enlightened, there will be a drift away from Islam, as those who are disenchanted with it (and there are plenty of those!) realize they can leave without reprisal.

    Islam is as much a totalitarian political ideology as it is a religion. The religious patina causes many of the victims to acquiesce who would otherwise revolt against such a governance. Totalitarianism cannot exist indefinitly as long as there are free peoples in the world.  The freedom that secularism bestows will cause a violent backlash from Islam, as it seeks to maintain it's sphere of influence in the lives of most muslims.  

    Crime rates are low in countries under Sharia law?  How about poverty rates?  Some of the highest in the world.  Literacy rates?  Lowest in the world.  Are you counting the crimes committed by the governments of such countries, such as executing the victims of rapes, or calling for the execution of a teacher whose class named a stuffed animal Muhammad?  How about the crimes against women, clitorectomies, rape under the guise of forced marriage?  When a crowd gets whipped into a frezy by a mullah and burns a Christian church or beats a hindu to death, is that considered a crime?  When a country under sharia law's main export is illegal narcotics to poison the children of the west, is that a crime?

    The statement that Islam brought many scientific and cultuural contributions to the world in it's early days is fatuous. Islam produced nothing of the sort, but pillaged these ideas from their Hindu, greek and Byzantine superiors and called them their own.  

    Middle Eastern countires would be best off if they shrugged off the yoke of Islam and joined the human race as brothers.

  8. HEy,

    __________I believe that Middle Eastern countries should be secular, but nonetheless I believe that they can be carried out under Sharia Law because at the beginning of the Islamic World (750 BCE) there were many inventions, educational developments, and scientists coming out of Islam....Islam have taught people and government how to be educated!!!

  9. Why would you want secularism?  

    Sharia law provides female circumcision, public hangings, no rights for women, burkas, and lots of other goodies...

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