
Middle lane drivers on the motorway ,don't they just annoy you?

by Guest58641  |  earlier

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Middle lane drivers on the motorway ,don't they just annoy you?




  1. Nearly as bad as lorry drivers racing each other and blocking two lanes.Where are the police when this happens?

  2. not really, but people driving too slow in the right hand lane annoy the h**l outta me. also people who undertake as well, and people who just change lanes without indicating or even checking their mirrors...the amount of times ive had to honk the horn and slam my brakes on cos of that is not even funny.

  3. is it really such a problem , or just something that annoys you . to me the worst thing is 1 truck trying to pass another when they are travelling at almost the same speed and clogging up the lane behind for eternity

  4. the lanes are for everybody, why are you annoyed. you have the right lane to over take if you want, and for the person who is saying that they're travelling at the same speed as you and you find that annoying, i dont understand why, if thats the speed you're travelling anyway, why do you want to overtake, just keep driving???

  5. Yes they should be prosecuted a lot more by the Police

  6. Only when I am travelling the same speed and I can't overtake because they are in the way, had this the other day when I needed to change lane and there was three cars in the way so I couldn't speed up or slow down as they were travelling at the same speed as me!

  7. that depends, if they are doing the speed limit & are overtaking  miles of trucks on the inside lane then its fine, but the ones that sit there doing 50-60mph with no traffic in the inside lane really annoy me.

  8. Yes, they always slow down traffic.

  9. No.

  10. not really, change lanes if you don't like it.

  11. better than weaving in and out all the time.

  12. too right they annoy me, they are crappy drivers as they do not like to overtake and change lanes.

  13. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Slow traffic, KEEP RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!(In the U.S.)

  14. I'm a truck driver and these prats who hog the middle lane certainly get a fright when I thunder past them on the inside,,yes it was me you lilly livered excuse for a driver,,if you want to drive like my granny at least move it over so that the rest of the world can get past

    (my granny has been dead for 20 years)

  15. Yes, they still do it. Hertfordshire police tried an education programme years ago (Disbanding the Clock (Central Lane Owners Club)) but failed miserably.

  16. Yes they need to come up with a passing lane only paint. And mark it every half mile in the center lane.

  17. yes they do , those other two lanes are for overtaking NOT BLOODY CRUISING

  18. Yes.  

    They are slack-jawed morons who ought to be banned.

    They ought to be made to sit their driving test again.

    The middle and right-hand lanes are for overtaking only.

            They are not for sitting in just because there's a caravan a mile ahead in the driving lane.

  19. Yes....

    So here is a funny joke to cheer you up!

    : )

    A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test The optician showed him a card with the letters  

    'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'  'Can you read this?' the optician asked. 'Read it?' the Polish guy replied, 'I know the guy.'

    LOL : )

  20. They are not as annoying as those who stay in the outside lane.

  21. It really depends on all the attendant circumstances. If very busy, then everyone tends to stick in lane they are in. If busy on inside lane and middle lane going at 70mph then can't see any reason for complaint. You can always pass them on outer lane if you wish to exceed speed limit. If you are talking about the guy/gal sat in the middle lane doing say 60mph then you still have the opportunity to pass on the outer, unless of course you are a middle laner yourself!!       Chill out, do not let things irritate you!!

  22. i've been driving along on my motorbike in the outside lane at 70mph and a foreign driver was doing under 40mph in the outside lane me and 2 cars and to brake really hard and swerve into the middle lane was so close to a 4 vehicle pile up .... think bikes and please move over ty

  23. Only when they get in my way, I like a nice clear view of the centre of the motorway.

  24. whats get me mad is someone driving slow in the fast lane and they wont get over to let you go by

  25. yes - that's why we need more police patrol cars on the motorways - to catch the bad and inconsiderate drivers.

    "Safety" cameras will never improve the driving standards.

  26. Sadly, they often cause accidents and the Police should do more to prosecute them.

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