
Middle lane drivers?

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Why do people sit in the middle lane on an empty three lane motorway?

Why do they then start to accelerate if you try and overtake them?. Isn't this a really insecure thing to do??.




  1. They are just rubbish drivers who don't know it and think they own the road

  2. the same reason idiots have to be in the outside lane,when going straight across at roundabouts preventing drivers in the nearside lane moving out to turn right at the roundabout.

    and also those who drive alongside you when approaching an entry slip road leaving you with nowhere to go when a car is joining the motorway.

    they are incompetent and totally inconsiderate people more suited to driving a nail in a piece of wood than driving a car

  3. It's simple really.  They don't know how to drive properly.

  4. Yup.  They should not be on the road if they don't know how to use lanes properly.

    I used to work with a bloke who boasted that he never exceeded 55 MPH and that he always drove at that speed in the middle lane of the motorway because that is the 'cruising lane'.  55 MPH, he reckoned, was the appropriate 'cruising speed'.  He also used to boast that he'd never had an accident but that he'd seen hundreds close to him.  I can still picture him, sitting behind his desk in his cardigan .....

  5. It's doesn't sound legal their for try to see if their's any cameras around and the phone police and report the car.

  6. l live in Kent by the channel tunnel and ferry links to Europe, it seems to me that the foreigners drive in the middle lane until they get used to our traffic system, and yes it does p*** you off if your stuck behind them

  7. They probably think the middle lane is the "standard" lane or "regular" lane. Slow moving trucks, trailers, mergers are all in the right, speeders in the left, and regular joe/jane down the middle.

    As for speeding up when people try to pass, that's downright idiocy, selfish, and very unsafe.

  8. I don't think that I have ever had a problem with this. Or maybe I just have better things to do then think about how other people drive.

  9. Ignorance. It's the selfish "I'll do what I want to do and sod anyone else" attitude of a lot of British drivers, unfortunately. We've a notorious old git around here with a Land Rover who does the same on a dual carriageway, he ALWAYS pulls on to the d/c, goes straight to the outside lane and sits there at a sedate 35mph on the basis that he will be turning right some 4 miles or so ahead, totally oblivious to the queue forming behind him.  No wonder undertaking happens.

    A couple of days ago I was unfortunate enough to see the old fool doing this ahead and resigned myself to the expected crawl, only to find that he'd decided to do this in front of an unmarked police car. The last I saw as I swept past with some relief was him at the side of the road and clearly about to explain himself to a nice man with a yellow jacket.  Wish I'd been a party to that conversation.

    Still, I suppose at least he was awake enough to notice the flashing lights and siren behind, which doesn't always happen . . .

  10. I find this really annoying, being a h.g.v. driver, and restricted to fifty six m.p.h., a little faster than most of the imbeciles who drive in the middle lane tend to travel at, making it impossible for me to get on with my journey in a timely fashion, as most of my deliveries are time sensitive, and I am fined if I miss my allocated delivery slot.also, it makes me late for the next delivery/collection, and therefore costs me an awful lot of money. these people should have their driving licences revoked and be made to resit the driving test.they are ignorant, arrogant and have no consideration for anyone other than for accelerating if you try to pass  them. they just don't think that anyone other than themselves should be on the road.......

  11. I think it's the lorries keeping drivers who should stay in the nearside lane out in the middle - or they could just be awful drivers. Not having a go at the lorry drivers just the drivers who can't seem to go from lane to lane.

    It's still annoying though.

    As for that trick when they accelerate to stop you overtaking....... well, I'm not sure why they do that, but they are dickheads for doing it and are driving dangerously.

    Here's one question though. Why is it that even if I'm going flat out in my V70 T5 on the motorway I always get overtaken by a 1983 Mini Metro driven by a chav or a nun? How do they do it - have they got warp engines under the bonnet?

    EDIT: I agree with "indeed632003" - make these fools take their test again, at their own cost. I'd go one further though and only allow them to drive a Citroen 2CV or a Reliant Robin for life.

  12. Yes lane control in the UK is awful and getting worse.

    I drive a van for work and constantly this happens to me because people just don't want to be overtaken by a van.

    Very frequently I will overtake someone only for them to then overtake me and slow down I overtake they overtake me again etc. etc.

    BUT, compared to most other countries driving in the UK is quite good. You should try driving in New Zealand. Boy that is scary.

  13. This is one of the MOST ANNOYING things on the roads today!  There are many more things but this is one of the worst!!!

  14. Well its suposed to be an offence , but like the old saying goes where is a copper when you need one.

    Ive seen drivers doing 50-60mph on a dual carriageway and they are in the outer lane so no-one can overtake.

    Ive had drivers see me coming on the outer lane and the pull out to block me .

    Best one is a car i was trying to overtake sped up and carried on accelorating  , almost hitting the back of another car ahead of them and had to slam on the brakes.

  15. I drive in the middle lane .An the reason why is, on the 10 mile streach that i do drive on ,it has alot of mergeing traffic an so i stay in the middle one. I drive a semi by the way.
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