
Middle name for these girls names?!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so here are the names for the girl:





I want really unique girly middle name.

Any suggestions.

*if you have any first names that are unique and girly please let me know! i would love to hear your opinions!




  1. It's not very unique but I like MARIE with any of the names you have mentioned.

    Lilly Marie

    Anna Marie

    Kaden Marie

  2. Kaden Jade

    Lilly Talia

    Anna Layne

    The name Allyne is unique.  Pronounce uh-lean.

  3. I like the name Ava

    & I love Kaden Shay. :D

  4. Kaden Brooke

    Kaden Gracie

    Lilly Abigail

    Lilly Marie

    Annabella Rose

    Anna Mckenzie

  5. Liala or layla (spell it eaither way)  it's mid eastern and it means night, dark night, or night beauty...I also like Lexi or lexie

    Anna Madalynn sounds pretty or Anna may!!!

    Lilly elizabeth have a nice ring to it also Lilly Eileen

  6. Kaden Jade, Gia, Madelien

    Lilly Grace, Alexia

    Anna Maci, Lily

    Best wishes!  

  7. Kaden Elizabeth

    Lilly Michele

    Anna Marie

    hope you like them :)

  8. Kaden Rae

    Lilly Anne

    Anna Jane

    Some unique cute names: Leah, Eva, Sydeny, Bailey, Layla, Paige, Audrey and Mia.

    what do you think?

  9. My little girls name is Raynie Lynn.

  10. Kaden Marie,

    Lilly Jacobi,

    Anna Isabel (this is my neices name!).

  11. Kaden Juliet

    Kaden Blair

    Kaden Selena

    Kaden Tess

    Lilly Emmelaine (emma-layne)

    Lilly Adissiah (ah-dee-sah)

    Anna...ehh dont reallly like this one.

    also like

    Blake Serena

    Blair Lorraine

    Austynn Nicole

    Ryan Juliet

    Kyle Arissa (ah-ree-sah)

    Spencer Emmelaine

    Corey Adelaide

  12. I just found out i'm pregnant but i chose a name long ago and its Mia Galia Grace it just flows. Even something like anna isabella or lily rain i mean get inventive with it its a lot of fun.  

  13. Kaden Bliss

    Kaden Destiny

    Kaden Wren

    Lilly Arabina

    Lilly Evangeline

    Lilly Serene

    Anna Liberty

    Anna Shawnee

    Anna Tessa

    Hope these help you :-)

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