
Middle name forgotten on air reservation on oversea flight... problem or not?

by  |  earlier

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I've booked an award flight for my fiancée from the USA to Italy, roundtrip. Her name is Jennifer Dorothy Heartfield. On her passport there's written Jennifer D as name and Heartfield as surname. When booking the ticket, I provided only Jennifer Heartfield as her name, leaving outside Dorothy. Will that be a problem? I called the airline (Alitalia) and they told me it's not a problem on their side; the problem can be on custom's side, so I would need to check with them... What do you think? Should I modify the name (and spend 120 usd) or not?





  1. I have flown international a lot and you will not have a problem, I never have had my middle name listed on my ticket - never had a problem with customs

    You will be fine

  2. I've worked at a check-in counter and as long as first and last names on the ticket matches the name in the passport you will be just fine

  3. As long as the first name and surname matches the names on the passport you will not have a problem.

  4. Nahh, I wouldn't worry about it . I flew to France just a few weeks ago and went almost into a panick attack because I forgot my middle name . I had no problems with costums or any other problems at all .

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