You are in a 6 player cash game on ftp. .25/.5. Effective stacks: 45. You are utg+1 and you raise to 1.5 with TdTc. You have been opening alot, but kinda passive postflop. CO decides to 3-bet to 5 dollars... He hasnt 3-bet all that much, but the one time he 3-bet and it went to showdown he showed 78dd. He is kind of fishy and doesnt know how to v-bet very well. He also overvalues his hands.
Anyways, you decide to call. Flop comes out Ad9d3d. Pot is 10.75. Your move?
1. Bet into him?
2. C/r?
3. C/c?
4. B/f?
5. C/f?