
Middle pair + flush draw, 3-bet pot? (pt1)?

by  |  earlier

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You are in a 6 player cash game on ftp. .25/.5. Effective stacks: 45. You are utg+1 and you raise to 1.5 with TdTc. You have been opening alot, but kinda passive postflop. CO decides to 3-bet to 5 dollars... He hasnt 3-bet all that much, but the one time he 3-bet and it went to showdown he showed 78dd. He is kind of fishy and doesnt know how to v-bet very well. He also overvalues his hands.

Anyways, you decide to call. Flop comes out Ad9d3d. Pot is 10.75. Your move?

1. Bet into him?

2. C/r?

3. C/c?

4. B/f?

5. C/f?




  1. Calling the 3bet preflop is fine; but if he good/aggressive and bluffs optimally you will get into some nasty spots post flop out of position with just a pair of tens with the increasing possible # of overcards compared to higher pairs.

    You have seen him 3bet light so you aren't just playing for set value, but that light 3bet of his may have been in a different scenario such as CO vs BTN or BB vs BTN with wider ranges overall.

    As played on this flop you have to check/fold as calling telegraphs that you have a weak made hand/weak draw and if he is decent at all he could barrel you light / value bet light in position and you won't be able to call. Keeping in mind that he may not be 3betting light at all I definitely think check/fold is the best play.

    Alternatively you could donk bet half or 60% pot if you think he is very passive, and fold to any further action but that is essentially bluffing.

  2. Check/Fold.. Lol.

  3. this one is pretty interesting...villain has shown the ability to re-raise with a hand like 8-7 suited, so i think c/f is extremely weak here...i don't really like betting here either because it doesn't define our hand well enough and we may end up being forced to make a tough decision...if we bet into him and he has something like A-K with no diamond, he would probably raise us anyway since he overplays his hands and that would put us in an extremely tough's close between a c/r or c/c for me, but i would lean towards the c/c, because while he has shown the ability to make plays before the flop there is just as good a chance he flopped an ace here, and if we c/r he probably isn't good enough to fold any ace, so the only hands against which we have fold equity are J-J, Q-Q, and K-K, assuming that he doesn't have a diamond in his hand...i think the c/r is just a little too risky against this type of player

    if a diamond comes off on the turn, i think we have to lead into him for maybe 1/2-2/3 of the pot and find out where we stand in the hand...he may call us with just the ace if he overvalues his hands as you say he does, and if he raises us we have a pretty easy fold...if a 10 comes off, then we can make around a pot sized bet and hope he gives us all his money with an ace...if a blank comes off, then we pretty much have to check again and most likely fold to a bet

    edit: first and foremost, i think the check is better than just betting right out because betting probably induces a fold only if he had been stealing pre-flop, if he had an ace he will at least call and if he has K-K, Q-Q, or J-J he probably isn't good enough to lay it down...i think calling is then best because it's not a weak play like the fold, but it's much safer than the raise and has benefits that the raise doesn't have ...folding is too weak imo because there's a good chance that we have 11 outs if we're behind, and raising is too risky because there's a good chance that he has an ace which he probably isn't good enough to lay calling, we keep the pot smaller, we can't get raised off the draw which is a potential although small danger of the c/r, and we might freeze our opponent on the turn if he has a hand like K-K, Q-Q, or J-J with no diamond, giving ourselves two cards to make a flush or a set

    edit2: i am fully aware that we are going to beat much more often than not, but i think it's probably a little too weak to just assume that villain has the best hand and the best draw here...also, something that we have both failed to point out is that the size of the bet changes our decision here, a bad player and especially one who doesn't get enough value almost certainly won't bet enough in this spot with the three-flush, so i'm talking about calling assuming that the bet is something like 1/2-2/3 of the pot...if we're going to face a pot-sized bet, then i would probably lean more towards the c/f because we're getting priced out

  4. bet half the pot and see what his IMMEDIATE reaction is.  if he does anything other than go for his checks, you have him beat with the tiny pair.

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